1 year, 5 months.

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Chelsea Wilson and Ray Smith were dating for an year online, when her family decides to move California where Ray lives and they met up. They were a couple of teens in love! They did everything together and was always with eachother.  He was respectful to her parents and they adored him. He loved her and she loved him. You'd think that If you had an nice, respectful, and caring boyfriend he'd never do anything to hurt you.... Think again. . .

    It was a hot and sunny summer afternoon In Caliornia, Chelsea and her boyfriend Ray went to the beach to tan and have some fun! Chelsea wanted her best friend Amanda to come, but sadly Amanda was too sick. Chelsea and Ray were in the car, singing along to some tunes. When they arrived at the beach, they unpacked and headed towards the boardwalk. This was Chelsea's first time at the Beach in California. She had no Idea what to do, or where to go. The beach was amazing! Beautiful sand, sparkling water and nice places for shade or tanning. They set up their chairs and instantly started having fun. Ray was tanning and Chelsea was surfing. Chelsea always wanted to be a professional surfer. She was really good at surfing too! Ray watched Chelsea, then he got an call on his cell phone. It was an girl. The girl said "Hey, baby!". Ray answered back, "Hey babe, how are you?". The girl spoke desperately, "Nothing, missing you. I love you Ray." Ray responded back with an "I love you too, princess." Chelsea was running back towards him, and he quickly told the other girl he had to go, and hung up. Chelsea ran over and gave Ray a big hug. "Who were you on the phone with? " Chelsea asked. "Nobody important babe", said Ray and then gave Chelsea a big kiss. Ray pulled out an small box. About the size of an Hershey's chocolate bar. He pulled out an necklace, and she gasped. He wrapped it around her neck and said " Happy year and 5 months baby". She replied anxiously "Thanks babe". She kissed him and they sat on the beach and watched the sunset. They packed up and begin to walk to the car. Chelsea said she was hungry. So, Ray took her out for dinner. They went to Red Lobsters and got an Lobster and Crab dinner. They sat, laughed and ate. Ray had to go to the restroom, but he didn't know he left his phone at the table. Chelsea, was sitting alone, enjoying her dinner, when she saw Ray's phone light up. She glared and thought to herself, "Should I look?" She grabbed his phone, sighed, and read the text. She was shocked! The text read, "Hey babe, call me tonight. I love you! ♥ Your Girlfriend Kelly~" She put the phone down when she noticed Ray coming back. Ray looked at her and smile. "Back, Boy! Was that a long pee! Haha" , He said. Chelsea gave a slight grin and finished her food. When they got ready to go, Ray left the money on the table next to the check and walked Chelsea out the door. Ray took Chelsea to Kissing Mountain. Kissing Mountain was a named because, Teens go there to makeout. They sat in his car for 5 minutes and that's when Chelsea decided to say something. The thought of the other girl texting her boyfriend erked her nerves ever since she read it. "Uhhm. Honey? I read a text on your phone that was from a girl named Kelly?" she said. A flash of fear came to his face as he opened his mouth to speak. "Um, yeahh. She's just a friend, what did she say?". Chelsea took a deep breath, "Take a look for yourself." So he did. Ray looked at the message and then at Chelsea. "That crazy girl has always thought we were dating! I'm sorry, she's an old old ex. She doesn't matter anymore" He scooted closer to Chelsea, "You do". , and he started kissing her.  "No, stop! You're cheating on me aren't you?" Chelsea cried. "BABY, no , ofcourse not."  he replied. "Then prove it, call her so I can see what she says." Chelsea remarked. "I can't do that." Ray said. "Then I'll fucking do it myself." Chelsea grabs his phone, gets out the car and calls Kelly. Kelly picks up, "Hey babe! I missed you" She replies. "Who the fuck is this?" Chelsea asks. "Ray's girlfriend, who is this?" But before Chelsea could answer that , she was hit in the head with a large piece of wood. This knocked her out, cold. "Ray grabbed his phone and said "That's my sister playing around. I'll call you back later baby, I love you." and he hung up. Ray dragged Chelsea to the car and drove her to his house. He laid her on his bed and waited for her to awake. Chelsea woke up 20 minutes later and was holding her head. Ray sat beside her and looked at her. She quickly sprained up but he grabbed her arms and held her down. He lived in the woods, so it was hard for anyone to hear her screams and yells. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" She screamed. "BE STILL!" he yelled back. Then, he started to rape her. Chelsea was helpless.... When Ray got done he sat her in the corner and left the room. Chelsea tried to escape." She got out the window and was half way to the nearest road, then all of a sudden, BANG!. Ray shot her killed her. He dragged her body farther into the woods and buried her beside the other girls he killed. This date was, January 21, 2004, 3:45 a.m. Ray was a murderer and took advantage of girls and killed them on this very date. As for her parents, Chelsea snuck out of the house to be with Ray.  So they had no idea. No one suspected Ray had done anything. 1 week later when all the questioning and searching was going on Ray turned on his T.v. and saw the 'Chelsea Wilson suspision'. He giggled and said "Happy 1 year and 5 months baby."

The end!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2013 ⏰

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