Chapter 4

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"Yes, I flew in on a private jet," he said with a look in his eyes that Matilda couldn't really decipher. "After all, that's what an Arab prince would do, isn't it?"

"You are the Arab prince?" Matilda asked, stunned and saddened by the statement.

After all, it would make them even further apart, and all she wanted to do was get closer to him. Now that they were given a second chance, Matilda wished to become acquainted with him and see if her instincts about him were correct.

"Haha, Matilda, no, of course I am not the Arab prince. Why would he ever work as a tour guide?" Aden asked with a huge smile that spoke of mischief and joy.

"I don't know," Matilda said, flustered.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you. I just like to joke with the idea that many people think that Saudi Arabia is full of princes. That all the people are rich, that they drive golden cars," Aden said apologetically.

He could see it was the wrong time to make jokes, but he was so nervous that he didn't know how to behave, what to say. After all, he didn't expect to get a second chance. Especially not in a country where he could actually take it without having to worry about every little detail.

Matilda finally managed to smile. How could she not when he was utterly cute as he was trying to be apologetic.

"It's okay, I can understand that. I actually know a few people who fell victims to that scam where 'an Arab prince' sends them an email asking for money to go back home," Matilda said.

Relieved that she wasn't holding grudges, Aden smiled at her appreciatively.

Then they just stood there staring at each other. If it had been a different situation, Matilda would have felt awkward. Yet, as it was, she felt the electrifying energy build up and wondered what would happen if it exploded.

Aden started approaching her with measured steps while all Matilda could do, was trying to breathe normally. Matilda had to focus on not succumbing to the weakness that slowly spread through her shaky legs. As long as she just stood there, fixed to one place, she was fine. Trying to do anything more than that felt impossible. So, she didn't attempt it.

"Matilda, I," Aden started to say, raising his hand as if he was about to touch her face.

"There you are," Jenifer said, appearing next to them and completely ruining the moment. "Oh, Aden, is it? It sure is a surprise to see you here. What brings you to our beautiful country?"

It was as if she didn't feel the tension in the air, or she chose to ignore it. And Matilda wasn't sure if she should be grateful or annoyed by it. Cooling down was a rational thing to do. However, for once in her life, she didn't want to be reasonable. She just wanted to feel.

"I actually live here. I have been living here for a long time now. I was visiting family back in Saudi Arabia, and their regular tour guide was unavailable, so I stepped in for a few days," Aden said.

"Interesting...And how come you are already here, with non-Arabic clothing and everything?" Jenifer asked suspiciously.

"I am a model. I always go everywhere prepared. I came back earlier and booked a day-room to change clothes as I don't think people here would look kindly to Arabian clothing. I was tired of the suit as well," Aden said in a measured, confident tone.

During his whole conversation with Jenifer, Aden's eyes never wavered from Matilda's even as he was interrogated by her best friend. It was as if neither one of them could break eye contact for the risk of losing what they saw the potential to find in each other.

"So, did I pass the test?" Aden asked when Jenifer stopped asking questions.

"I guess so. For now," Jenifer added ominously. "Anyway, we should get going."

"I'll give you a ride," Aden said quickly.

"Hm, getting a ride from a guy we just met in Saudi Arabia? No, thank you. I don't think so." Jenifer said for the first time choosing to be the rational one among the two women.

Matilda would have agreed immediately if only to understand what tethered her to Aden and refused to let go.

"Very well, that seems fair enough," Aden said, raking his fingers through his hair, trying to think of a way to see Matilda again. "How about we meet at this restaurant tomorrow at eight?"

As he said that, he wrote down the address and the restaurant's name on a card and offered it to Matilda.

"And your business card so I can make sure you are legit?" Jenifer said as Matilda took the card without a word.

"It's on the other side," Aden said patiently.

As Matilda turned the card, they could see that the address was written on the back of Aden's business card. Thus, both of them were more or less satisfied with the turn the events had taken.

"See you then?" Aden asked hesitantly.

"See you," Matilda said automatically.

It felt to Matilda as if she was dream walking. She couldn't quite understand that what was happening was real life. Even after they waved goodbye to Aden, Matilda's brain couldn't process that she was actually going on a date with him.

"Well, that was unexpected," Jenifer said once they were sitting comfortably in the backseat of a taxi.

"Serendipity," Matilda said suddenly, surprising even herself.

"What?" Jenifer asked.

"It means something that happens by happy chance," Matilda said.

"I know what it means. What I don't know is why you would say that," Jenifer said, turning her head to look into her friend's eyes which seemed to be of an even brighter blue color than usual. It was as if an inner spark had suddenly been lit. "You always tell me that you didn't believe in things like that."

"I guess I've become a believer," Matilda said, an unconscious smile playing on her lips.

"This is about more than his steamy hot handsomeness, isn't it?" Jenifer asked, finally starting to see the full scope of what was going on.

"Yes, I think so," Matilda said, looking distractedly through the window. "There is just something about him, about us. I can't tell you what it is, but I really want to find out."

"But what if it's just lust?" Jenifer asked.

"We'll let it play out," Matilda said determinedly.

"You mean, you would..." Jenifer asked, shocked that her prudish friend would even consider having a fling.

"Yes, if that's all there is to it, I need to know. What better way to know for sure?" Matilda asked, not believing that she was even saying those words, let alone considering going through with it, following the road wherever it might lead.

"Wow," Jenifer said, not sure if she should be stunned or impressed by Matilda's determination.

"Wow, indeed," Matilda said as she wandered off into sweet thoughts filled with new sensations and romantic notions that fought for dominance with passion and sensuality.

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