
107 2 9

Don't godmode! This contains: controlling others characters, murdering the oc without permission, not getting hurt ONCE and so on.

Be nice outside of the roleplay! If your OC is mean then that's okay BUT If you are being mean to someone when you AREN'T roleplaying then you will be ignored, reported and blocked/muted :)

You can have up to 4 characters, if you have been here for a while or we know each other then you may have 5-6 characters :)

Password is/are your favorite SCP/s! Mine are either 035 or 096 ^^

No smut! I want this to be child friendly plus I'm not comfortable with smut

You didn't notice I forgot #6 :)

Please apply in one comment. If the application is too long to write in one comment, then reply to your comment and fill in the rest there :)

You may tag me, but please inform me when you do :)

Tell me when someone is being mean/doesn't follow the rules/you have questions or anything like that <3

Tag me after half an hour of not responding. If I don't respond after an hour of being tagged you may spam me as much as you'd like!

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