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Y/n - Your name      

M/n - Moms name 

D/n - Dads name

BEEP BEEP " SHUT THE HELL UP" as I open my eyes furiously I also smashed and melted my alarm clock which is my seventh this week R.I.P my money.

"UGH that's my seventh  one this week and I'm pretty true I aint getting another one , wait why don't I use my phon- nevermind I'm just gonna end up burning it and I don't got no money for a new one and neither my mo- 

M/n - Y/N are u ok? I heard u stomp and are u cooking or did u just smash that $200 alarm i just bought u Saturday  

as I look at my mother and still wondering if she is wasn't just cooking downstairs a second ago     "aren't you cooking breakfast on the stov-" "OH SHIT MY PRECIOUS FOOD" before i even finished she cut my off and ran out my room like a maniac cause she is " 

N E ways as i stretch i remembered i have school at nine and its 7:30 great , i cant wait to se UA i wonder if i will even make friends due to my antisocial problem but I will try my best cause it kinda sucks being home reading a whole bunch of books and no-body to tell all the juices of the stories, before i go into daydreaming mode lets go bathe 

After that~

" Alright that was one nice bath lets see how I look um....... not the best but i really dont care cause it my body, ok lets see i should wear today hmmmm AHA BINGO 

  The outfit:       

Don't know if u like it but if u don't then use your imagination and change it

Don't know if u like it but if u don't then use your imagination and change it

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"Ok what time is it 8:45 ok not bad now its time for food my stomach is saying feed me PLZ"

As i walk downstairs i see my dad already eating breakfast and is also working as usual never eats without working or telling us something he saw un face book like can he be any more embarrassing UGHHH 

" hey mom hey pops" D/n- Hey kiddo " soo momm what's for breakfast " " finally your here and it pancakes with eggs and bacon and please don't rush or take too slow I have work and you have school and again congratulation's my baby for making it into UA I'm so excited for you"

"Thanks mom yea im really happy but i also want not one but both parents to say it too "

I wanted to shout at my dad and also cry and my mom saw that she hugged me and said not to cry in my ears while my dad was still working ugh I just it him and his work I just wanna smash the computer of his cause if I didn't teach him how to set it up he would have to go to work physically and come home and spend more time with us  but i kept my mouth SHUT and said nothing 

"well I'm done eating now so mom ready" " yup let me just get my bag " " dad um can I atleast get a hug before i go" " HUH oh yea hold on " 

As I watched him spend another five minutes in front of the screen mom comes back and he didn't even atleast look to see I was about to leave 

"bye hun" he didnt even look up at the screen to say bye or even said anything  " mom just forget lets go "

See you in the next one                                                                                                                                                      Chau~

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