01 || Long Chapters & Descriptive Lines

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So here's the thing.

Questions like;
How do you write long chapters?
How can you describe your sentences with unique writing?
Are frequently asked by many people.

First of all, the chapters I write range between 6K to 10K words depending on my free time.

Everyday I visit Wattpad I would write 1K words per day, then the next day another 1K and so on and so forth until I reached the satisfying end for my chapter.

Now, how can I write that much?
I'll answer the question NO. 2 above to answer this one


So, let's start with a simple sentence that are used by many.

1. She was angry, so angry that she ended up punching the wall beside her.

If I were to write this scene. I'll describe it as;

With mixed red emotions melting into a heating pot, her knuckles hardened into a fist, aimlessly punching a nearby object— which happens to be the wall beside her —to vent out her frustration in hopes it'll somehow cool down her nerve. 

To explain this further;

1. The term RED is equivalent to ANY ENRAGED feelings— therefore I used the word Red to METAPHORICALLY deliver the emotion I want, which is ANGER. 

The same goes with BLUE— any sad emotions.

2. MELTING INTO A HEATING POT, it's kind of a metaphor that can describe how the character is slowly LOSING HIS PATIENCE. Because we all know when a dried ingredient melted inside a heating pot, that means it's almost ready to serve— much like an ANGER.

In summary:

If the ingredient stayed longer in the pot, it'll overcook.

If you push a person pass his anger limits, He'll explode.

Those two are just metaphors I can think of. So instead of writing straightforward statements like 'She's angry that she punched the wall' why not think of things that can describe anger such as the INGREDIENT.

So after she punched. Why did she do it?

Don't end the scene where she punched the wall. Ask yourself why? What's behind the reason why she punched the wall

Why did she do it?

To vent out her frustration in hopes it'll somehow cool down her nerve. 

You guys can add more than that actually but I'm feeling lazy to think of anything XD


Example 2:

It's raining again, and stir of sadness kept her mind awake. She's always been lonely, most of the times at home or at school or simply she's sad.

My version:

Being scared and tired at the same time. The fear of failure but no urge to be productive. It’s wanting friends but hate socializing. It’s wanting to be alone but not lonely. It’s caring about everything then caring about nothing. This deep feeling of sadness can actually feel paralyzingly numb.

This is actually a bit tricky.

You guys would need a sole concept on why your character is feeling sad. So in this example I used, the character is simply sad with her lonely life.

But I expand how she's actually feeling.

I don't exactly know how to explain this technique, I felt this type of sadness before so I could actually explain it.

My best tip is to IMAGINE yourself on your character's shoes.

How would you feel if you were the one who's so lonely in her life?

If you can do that then there's no problem on how to explain it. Be it being lack of knowledge about vocabulary or English, just explain it with your own words and feelings.


To answer the question how can I write much?

It's because of the DESCRIPTIVE sentences.

Normal statements can be 16 or 20 but a simple descriptive sentence can range to 50 (I think I'm exaggerating but that's based on my observation XD)

So yeah, this a bit short since I don't have any more examples I can think of

If you guys have questions or need more tips regarding about this chapter then feel free to drop them IN THIS certain comment line. I'll answer then with me best!

See yah next time. Hope this was helpful

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