Domestic Relationship with Joseph

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{Header via Identity V Official Twitter}{Headcanons/Scenarios}{Gender Neutral! S/O}

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{Header via Identity V Official Twitter}
{Gender Neutral! S/O}


-I imagine Joseph living in a sleepless city with you, residing in a simple yet aesthetic apartment. Joseph once suggested to live in the highest floor, but is best to live in one of the middle floors since the apartment is quite tall- (and it would be the fastest way to escape from fire accidents-)

-Pets? Yeah. he would accept pets as long as they don't get in his office room, where a lot of pictures for work are hanging around the walls.

-He honestly would prefer having a marine, little creature as his pet- So you would see an elegant, glass tank in the corner of his office.

-It's cute when seeing him feeding his gold fish during his break,,,, He's not the type to put his hand inside the water to pet fishes- but if you are, he'll let you pat them gently and help you be more careful with not putting pressure on the fish tank.

-His fish likes to be pat and they are very active and affectionate, so you would see them swimming around your hand and nuzzle it.

-He only lets you interact with the gold fish ONLY when he's around to supervise(according to the instructions he received, he can't trust anyone to take care of his fish while he's gone- he's very strict with rules.)

-If you have a cat (who likes to harass fishes) as your child, he'll make sure his office door is well-locked... 👀

-His relationship with your animal companion would be neutral, he doesn't dislike them and would feed them whenever you're not at home.

-Joseph would handle the bills and buy the things you need from stores and markets. But he respects your decision if you are independent enough to pay your own bills.

-Movie night in the weekends- no buts. ùwú

-It can be either anime, cartoon, or series besides a movie! You both do this activity as one way to spend time together and set work aside for awhile.

-Joseph likes to keep every room clean- He would start cleaning 4 times a week just to enjoy seem the fine furniture free from dust and dirt.
-You both shared a medium sized room that has a bathroom and a closet room. His clothes are in the closet, but most of the space is occupied by your computer since he doesn't often stay in the room unless is for sleeping.

-If you often stay in your shared room than usual, he would notice and often check up on you if you're doing alright. If you don't like to be disturbed, he'll understand.

-If you have long hair, Joseph would gladly help you braid it into a lovely hairstyle before he goes to work.

-You both often like to raid malls on the Sundays- He tends to like dragging you there for any new trends and sales, he won't mind if you invite friends along as well.

-Joseph would cook for the both of you, his culinary skills are decently good.

-Expect him wearing a cute apron- jdjdjdjejeje uwu

-But if he doesn't have time and his work's deadline is near, he would have no option but by takeout if your favorites- (he'll buy a salad or his favorite for himself, of course.)

-Joseph is very charismatic and polite with neighbors who live in the same floor department as both of you. He doesn't like anyone threatening him nor see you both in a bad way. Whenever you both get out of door, the neighbors would greet you kindly as they pass by.

-You would usually use train as a transportation, but you would ask Joseph for a lift if you need to go to a more specific location.

-Joseph is a very calm driver, doesn't like to talk a lot while driving but he'll let you get hyped with the car's radio box.

-When a sign stops as you sit in the passenger seat, he would hold your hand in his as he let his hands rest on the car wheel.

-He loves to cuddle you and pull you to his chest when sleeping. If he feels more clingy, he would wrap his hands around your shoulder from behind and nuzzle on the side of your head.

-When being in the living room together, you'll see him wearing glasses whenever he is reading a book.

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