Chapter 5

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3rd POV

It was breakfast time, and most of the campers where up and ready for the next challenge, and by most, it means that The Killer Bass where falling asleep at the table. "Duncan, you look like crap dude." the older McLean had walked up to the table where the punk had his head laying on, the teen looked up with bags under his eyes "Stick it." he croaked. "Harold snored all night." Courtney explained, Chris laughed "Oh man, four nights with no sleep? How much are you hurting dude?" the punk lifted his head again. "You wanna find out?" at this point you had walked through the door, smiling from what you had seen on Harold's face before you came in, hearing this you immediately ran to your father's defense. "No no Duncan, he's good, we don't want to find out. How about you go take a nap before the next challenge?" you had a shaky smile and your arms up to shield yourself in case the other male actually decided to swing. To your surprise he didn't, he huffed and layed his head back down. The door opened again and this time it was the nerd of the hour, Harold, with his drawn on mustache, everyone gasped and giggled, yourself included since you saw him earlier. He sat down at his table and his teammates started to laugh, well most of them, "Ok what?!" he asks. Geoff comes around the table and leaned over to face the redhead, "Someone messed with your face dude." Harold picked up a spoon and looked at his reflection, "Hey, sweet 'stache." the door opened again with Chris exclaiming the Gwen was at the lodge at last, the goth female in question walking in like the dead, even with her team cheering. She sat down exclaiming that she couldn't feel her face before slamming it onto the table, or at least that's what would have happened if you didn't catch her face and then gently set it down on the tabletop.
Confessional: Gwen
"Honestly, if I knew (M/n) would have caught my face, I would have done that sooner."
Confessional: Lindsay
"He catches faces?!"
Confessional: Courtney
"We are so stinking right now! Yes Eva was a psycho,  but at least she was an athletic psycho! Plus! PLUS! (M/n) caught Gwen's face! I cant believe it!!"
Confessional: over

Heather looked over at Beth and Lindsay, "So, let's go over the rules one more time. Number one, I'm the captain of this alliance, so I get to make the rules. Number two?" she asks, making the other girls think "Breaking the rules results in getting kicked out of the alliance?" Lindsay says "Good, now number three, I get to borrow any of your stuff without asking, but my stuff is strictly off limits." the tall raven haired female says. The brunette and blonde look at eachother before Lindsay speaks up " I dont know about that last rule." Heather smiles "That's ok, I can change it, I can also find someone else to take with me to the final three." the other girls begin panicking and shaking they're heads. "Good, now you two wanna have some fun?" She looked over to The Killer Bass table, "Hey fish heads! Way to go kicking off your strongest player, why dont you just give up now?" she steps aside missing the oatmeal that Courtney shot at her, hitting Gwen in the face instead. "Missed me!" the girl bragged. "Alright campers! Your next challenge begins in ten minutes, and be prepared to bring it!" Chris announces, you behind him, smiling.
Time skip brought to you by my phone being run over, so I'm writing this with my laptop

The next time you see the campers, Chef and yourself are wearing referee shirts, the older male having a whistle and you holding a ball. Duncan is the last to show up, the punk dragging his feet as he flops into the bleachers. The others look over at him in surprise as he lifts his head, and pointed "Wake me up, and it'll be the last thing you do." Tyler gulped, Courtney rolled her eyes and immediately started berating Harold. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, YOU KNOW?! YOU AND YOUR SNORING FACE!" The spectacled teen flinched before frowning, "Its called a medical condition, GOSH!!!" you slightly elbowed Chef hoping he would get the hint, thank the gods he did and blew the whistle, you sighed in relief. The ex-marine and yourself walked past the campers, one with an angry judging face and the other with a small smile. " Alright campers, todays challenge is the classic game of dodge ball. The first rule of dodge ball is?" "Don't talk about dodge ball?" Noah cut in, causing Owen to laugh "As I was saying, if you get hit by the ball," he threw the ball he was holding at Courtney, who didn't see it coming, and she was thrown back a foot or two before complaining and throwing it back at your dad, who expected that and caught it; thus explaining about catching the ball and all that jazz. "Catching balls, jeez, what another mentally challenging test." Noah said being sarcastic, Lindsay apparently didn't get that and agreed making you look at her in slight worry and the boys behind her to look at each other in shock. You took the ball from your dad and looked at the resident party animal, "Geoff, try to hit me." you say as you toss the ball at him, he catches it with ease, Chef tosses you another ball "If your holding a ball, you can use it to deflect another ball, but if it knocks your ball out of your hands, your out." you say. Lindsay put a hand up to her chin before removing it, "So, what do I do again when the ball comes at me?" Geoff proceeded to throw the ball as soon as she said that hitting your ball. "You dodge!" The ball ricocheted off your ball and hit the blonde in the face, causing her to land on her ass. "OOOHH, you where supposed to dodge!" Chris said, you gasp when she got up with a lump on her forehead "Oww, right..." she said, Chris continued "You have one minute till game time, Gophers you'll have to sit one person out

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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