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"Does this mean we're finally normal-ish?" Anna asked looking around, Austin chuckled.

    "We will never be normal, Not after what they did to us, they ruined it for us and you all need to remember that." Xavier said flatly eyeing us all.
Pictures of the white room came back to my memory, the needles, the pain, the loneliness, the way it ended... All of it in waves crashed into my head forcefully.. The migraine coming back to my head as everything started slowly fading, my legs growing weak as I remembered the thud of my heart that I focused on to keep me alive...
The way I drug my freezing body across even colder tile, the disgustingly warm stick of my own blood pooling around my body as I almost died, bleeding out to death, cold, tired, sweating, aching, hurting, and the worst part of it all, alone...
A voice interrupted my thoughts. Though I didn't really mind, they weren't ones that I wanted anyways...

    "You ok Siren?" Austin asked. A bit of worry peaked through his expression as he took a step to stand next to me, examining  my facial expressions he squinted a little. Moving a hand to my shoulder he ran his thumb back and forth, giving me a sense of comfort at his touch..

    "I'm fine," I said. Shrugging my shoulders. He dropped his hand from my shoulder when I did and I felt my heart sink in my chest.

"So what's the point of getting out of the facility what are we even gonna do now..?" I asked. At least before escaping I had a purpose, a inhumane, horribly painful one, but at least it was something...
looking around the tall buildings that reached the skies surrounded us, along with small coffee shops Barbery places, and an occasional bakery. Many small cute little shops dotted the streets filled with trinkets and souvenirs.

"We're free," Austin said looking at me with confusion. "Where else do you wanna be..? You can't tell me you'd rather be where we were.." I wouldn't... I don't want to be where we were... But honestly, I don't even know who I am... because at the moment I was a pale girl with scars, bruises, scabs, and blood covering her body.. Nothing more, and nothing less.. To be honest.. I just felt like nothing..

"We might be free, but what's our purpose now, why are we even here?" I asked. If we were normal people like everyone else that walked the streets being free might be fun but what can we do? If anyone finds out we are gone again.. Taken... Gone... Like we were before, locked in rooms and in pain.. What are we supposed to even do? Especially when we don't know how his world works, we are used to the white rooms, Needles, EpiPens, Scars, And people in white tunics examining our eyes and bodies like a possession of there's, actually... more Like their creation.
We are freaks of nature, hybrids, Creations, a failed experiment.

"You sound like my depressed grandma." Xavier said flatly. Sporting an obnoxious frown on his features and rolling his eyes.

"You sound like you haven't hit puberty, I guess we're even." I replied. Rolling my eyes I turned to Austin when he started to speak.

"You know I think Siren's correct, if we can't be normal whats our purpose, our use. We're just unfinished projects." Austin said. Lifting up his eyebrows.

"We have no purpose.." Anna said her eyes drooping down.

Xavier looked at us all disappointment in his eyes at our disapproval of ourselves. And I shot him the worst death glare I could, causing a scoff to come from his mouth.

"HEY! WHERE ARE YOUR PARENTS!" A man dressed in a ridiculous blue tunic with a gold embroidery and a badge that looked to be falling off yelled at us. Xavier walked up to the man if I hadn't known it wasn't Halloween I would've guessed he was dressing up as an idiot.

"What do you need from us officer?" He asked. Pursing his lips he eyed the man in the blue tunic up and down and rose his eyebrows. The man returned the favor with the same exact look on his features
I sat on a bench slowly, Austin and Anna let out a bit of silent laughter as I sighed.

"I'm speaking to you, why are you sitting down?" The police officer nagged. I gave him a grave look before I answered.
"Because Xavier has a record of making conversations last forever, He also is an incredibly good negotiator, and doesn't give up, much to my dismay... So I'm going to be sitting here for a while, because there is no way I'm standing for the next two hours of this conversation.." I said. Playing with a string of my short wavy dark brown hair I sighed.

"Whatever," Xavier mumbled. He crossed his arms and stood up a little straighter, squatting back his broad shoulders he turned back to the frail looking officer.

"Now may I ask again where are your parents?" The man in the blue tunic  asked, or the Officer as Xavier called him, I honestly thought his build wasn't one that would be of much help in any situation but he had a badge. I have to add that he was practically swimming in his uniform and his shoulder are thin and narrow.

"They're dead." Xavier said. He held a completely straight face and didn't flinch.
Xavier stood there unmoving and looking unfazed, contrary to Xavier's reaction the the words that flew out of his mouth, that I honestly doubt he thought twice about, The Officers face went pale, white as a sheet, and he took a small shaky step back and covered up his frown with a cough. I was holding in my laughter, as were Anna and Austin.

"Oh.. I'm sorry for your loss.. I'll leave you be.." the officer stammered. He didn't seem like a super confident man, his shoulders were slumped and he didn't hold eye contact well, and he constantly fidgeted with the sleeve of his uniform or the belt that held up his loose pants.

Austin mimicked Xavier's flat face and stance, pursing his lips. "They're dead." We all burst out in laughter smiling and giggling.

After the laughter had died down Xavier pulled out a very serious tone.. his eyes narrowing slightly he squatted his shoulders and seemed to tighten his jaw as he stood up as straight as a rods
"I am wondering if there is any cookies around here, I haven't had them forever." He said. Completely serious. I laughed a little at how goofy he looked trying to act all tough while asking for us to find him somewhere he can get cookies.

"Yes, Xavier we'll get you some cookies," I said.

(1152 total words, not edited, sorry.)

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