(tw for mentions of su1c1d3, m1scarr14g3s, r4p3, and st4bbing)
I remember when my mom would say that she was "watching a TV show (she) hates"
And yet anytime I would ask for something, she'd yell at me because "the show is more important than what you want me to know"
Ma'am, you deadass just said that you hate this show, you really prefer hearing it over hearing me?
Yet another reason that I wish she died instead of my dad
My dad was freaking amazing
And my mom treats me like shit
Like, she says "i didn't have 3 miscarriages just to adopt a suicidal daughter!"
First of all I'm your CHILD (nonbinary)
Second, the reason I'm suicidal is because you are doing nothing to protect me from the man who almost raped me to death AND stabbed me to death on numerous occasions
Just because he's fAmIlY
Shut the fuck up and let me yearn for death MOM