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Name: Phillip Gray

Age: Unknown {Appearance 21}

Gender: Male

Personality: Usually very quiet, easily frightened around unfamiliar people. Only when he becomes more familiar with someone, he's more calm and playful around them, often doing things in an attempt to gain their attention. There are moments where he does commit acts of violence, unknowing of how wrong those actions are.

Sexuality: Pan

Looks: {What each doll originally looks like}

{Years later, his current state*}

Likes: Having attention, gentle affection gestures, praise, plushies of any type, playing games, pink colored items, and listening to soft music (either piano or violin).

Dislikes: The scent of alcohol, being around candles, dark areas, small spaces, being yelled at, remarks regarding his feminine side, not receiving attention/openly being ignored, and lastly, getting scolded.

Species: {Possessed} Doll [with a more human-like appearance.]

Quotes: "L-Let... Let's p-play a game to-together. How... How about hide and s-seek? I'll hide, I'm real-really good at it."

"What's wrong w-with having plushies? They-They are soft and com-comforting..."

"I'm sorry, d-don't lock me away in th-the closet.."

Other: The primary purpose of this doll was to help children become more sociable, as well as to help them cope with trauma. Each doll has a blank face, so that the owner of said doll can design the doll to fit their ideal of a friend.

*He was actually a young child, that unfortunately suffered a lot of mental and physical abuse. Despite his mother already struggling with money, she gifted him this doll for his 8th birthday. One day, the physical abuse went too far, and by the time his mother returned home, he was out cold on the ground, lips blue and face pale. He was pronounced dead at the young age of 12*. His grieve-stricken mother couldn't handle the guilt, ultimately seeking help from someone who was rumored to have the ability to bring the dead back to life.
Little did she know, her son came back to her, but not in the way she had imagined. Still, she was thankful to have him back. While she would occasionally receive strange looks and whispers from people, she would still drag along that lifeless doll that she believed to be her son. She would take him everywhere she went, simply content to be able to spend time with him, the way it should've been.
-It wasn't until months later, that she took notice of how this once lifeless doll, appeared more human over time. That once pale skin was now a light color. Those lifeless eyes were now filled with curiosity and emotion. So then, how could her own kind-hearted son end up harming her? Especially after, all she had done for him. Without uttering a single word, he had killed his mother. The one who had given him life, not once, but twice!

-Seeing as he had died at a rather young age (during the year 1965), his thinking process and personality are similar to that of a child.

-There are times, where Phillip will go a long time without speaking, instead using hand gestures and the like as a way of communication. The reason for this being, he would occasionally go back to his doll-like state, which consists of not speaking and sometimes not moving.

-As mentioned above, he has become more human over time. His previously blank face, has became a mask that he wears. Not once, has he removed his mask.

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