Settling In

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The weekend came and went and it was time to take Bobby to his new 4K class. He was going with Hope, so at least he would know one person.

"Bobby, sweetie, time to get up," I said as I gave him a little shake.

"I don't wanna get up," he cried.

"Why not?"

"'Cause I don't wanna," he whined.

"You have school today, aren't you excited to go?"

"No," he said shaking his head.

"Oh Bobby, I know it's new, but you will have fun. Hope will be there with you," I encouraged.

"But I won't know anyone else," he said as he slowly sat up.

"Well, you will get to know others. I'm sure there a lot of kids that would like to meet you as well."

"But what about my old friends?"

"What about them?"

"If I make new friends, will I lose my old friends?"

"No honey, you will not lose your old friends. I told you we will keep in touch with them. Maybe at some point your old friends will get to meet your new friends and you can all be friends."


"Yeah," I say with a big smile.

"Cool," he says and jumps out of bed.

"Be sure to brush your teeth after getting dressed," I hollered into the bathroom where he ran.

While he was getting ready, I gathered up his backpack and his coat. I had his snow pants and boots in a bag to take with him in case they went outside. He would be home for lunch, so I didn't need to pack him one. Bobby and Hope would get a ride to and from school with Aaron, Stacy's driver and security.

I start training next week, so I have this week to start looking for apartments and catching up with Stacy. They keep telling me not to worry about an apartment, but I don't want to rely on them too long and I'm used to it just being Bobby and me.

"I'm ready," Bobby said as he came out of the bathroom.

"Um, I think you're missing something," I said looking at his feet.

"Oops," he said and ran to the dresser to grab a pair of socks and then put his shoes on. "Now I'm ready," he says as he gets up.

"Let's go upstairs and eat before you go," I say, grabbing his things.

"Morning!" Bobby yelled as we entered the kitchen seeing Stacy and the girls already in there.

"Morning," Hope and Haley yelled back.

"Good morning girls," I say. They both wave to me after shoving in a mouthful of cereal.

"Would you like some cereal Bobby?" Stacy asked him.

"Yes please," he answered and climbed into a chair.

"Here you go," she says as she pours him a bowl and adds the milk. "Can I get you anything Vicky?"

"No, I'm good right now. I'll just grab a cup of coffee," I answer. I help myself to a cup and pour it full of coffee and sit down next to Bobby.

"Do you have any plans for today?" Stacy asked me after getting Kayden and putting him in his high chair.

"Nothing special. I would like to get a little more familiar with the area, so I might go into town and look around. I'll be back before the kids get home," I answer.

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