✞ Prologue ✞

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The chapel was drenched in shadows, each pew hidden beneath a blanket of darkness, the statues shrouded in cloaks the colour of the new moon. Behind the altar, the city lights filtered through stained glass windows and onto the pale, white marble floor. Shafts lay scattered on the ground in colorful hues, each piece fitting together like a puzzle. Behind it, wearing a school uniform, stood a girl with hands held together in prayer. The room was silent save for a soft whispering emanating from her lips. 

A gust of wind disturbed the quiet church, slipping through the doors and finding its way down the aisle, seats creaking and groaning in its wake. At last, it came to a stop in front of the altar, where it began to go in a lazy circle, picking up speed with each spiral and eventually forming a tall column of fast-moving air. Then, it stopped.

The girl's short, chestnut hair flew upwards, her long sideburns swaying in the wind for a moment. She was no longer alone in the chapel. Standing before her was a tall, lean male wearing a white business suit, whose skin was as pale as his alabaster hair. 

"Your grace."

She stared upward, straining to look into the cold eyes of the stranger. His chin dipped as he looked down at her, the corners of his eyes crinkling whilst he examined her face, his gaze coming to rest on her arctic eyes, as blue as his own.

White, feathered wings spread open behind him, each as wide as he was tall. With two flaps that echoed down the pews and off the walls, he stooped down to her level.

His breath caressed her face, blowing a handful of loose strands and sending chills down her spine. His breath felt... cold.

It wasn't human.

He was not of this world.

The corners of his mouth tilted upward into a strange, inhuman smile.

With a voice like ice, he breathed a single sentence.

"Let us rid humanity of its sins."

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