Chpt 3

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Colin's POV:

I grunt as I slowly wake up. I can't help but smile as I see Audrey next to me. I caress her thigh gently, my horniness starting to get the better of me. 

I climb on top of her and grab another condom from my pant pocket, ripping the package open and inspecting the latex for holes or rips. I discover no damage, so I put it on and nestle myself between her legs.

I slowly push into her abused s*x, earning a soft moan from her unconscious body. I start to thrust.

She slowly begins to stir awake, her moans becoming louder and her breathing hitching.

"Colin...I..." She breathes out.

"It's okay, go back to sleep." I assure her.

"But I...want awake f*" She groans which makes my lips turn up into a smirk.

"Do you princess?" I tease.

"Please." Oh I loved the sound of that.

I slowly kiss up her stomach and chest, leaving small marks. Her chest rises and falls quickly in anticipation. I continue my trail of kisses up her perfect neck and jaw until I reach her ear. "Who do you belong to?"

"You." She breathes heavily. 

I hum in satisfaction before kissing her breasts, earning gasps from her. I pull myself out of her and she frowns in disappointment. I lay down next to her, pulling her leg up to rest on my waist, opening herself up to me. I caress her beautiful tummy gently as I push into her opening again.

She whimpers in pleasure and rests her hand on top of my hand that is caressing her stomach.

"Can you feel me princess?" I say into her ear.

She shakes her head 'no' before I push myself in deeper, smirking as she groans.

"You're so pretty princess." I hum, gently entangling my fingers in her messy hair as our bodies move together in perfect motion, chasing our releases.

Audrey's POV:

I blush as he compliments me. I gasp as I feel his d*ck in my stomach with my hand. He was big, so big, I'm surprised I took it so well. His cologne had my senses all messed up and he was easily replacing the hate I had for him with drunken love.

I groan as I c*m, his release coming soon after. 

He pulls out, pulling the condom off before throwing it in the trash can and pulling on his underwear. I grab his hand. Was he going to leave me?

He smiles and pecks my lips "It's okay, I'm right here." He reassures me. I nod.

He walks away and I keep a ear out as to where he is going. He brings back a glass of water and leans over the bed, handing it to me.

"How did you know?" I say before taking a gulp of the water.

"Know what?" He asks, climbing back into bed and nuzzling his nose into my hair.

"That I was thirsty?"

"I guess I just thought you were."

"Well you thought right." I say, taking another gulp of water before putting the glass on the nightstand. 

He pulls me into his chest and pulls the covers over us. I sigh in contentment and inhale his scent, slowly falling asleep.

I wake up to the sun shining in through the big windows in the apartment. I groan and close my eyes. No. If the sun could just f*ck off for a couple more hours, that would be great.

I realize the other side of the bed is empty. I feel for warmth on the spot where he was laying. It was cold, just like his personality. I groan and move my face to his side, inhaling his addictive scent that was left on the sheets. I lay there for a few minutes, drifting in and out of consciousness.

I jump as I feel a kiss being placed on my shoulder. He chuckles. Oh god, that s*xy chuckle. 

"Hi." Colin says, rubbing my back softly. 

I groan in approval and hum in response.

"Are you hungry?" He asks.

I nod with a yawn.

He picks me up with the bedsheet wrapped around me. 

"Colin! What are you doing!?" I squeal in surprise, my small hands going to his shoulders to hold on for dear life. He chuckles.

He sets me down on the couch. On the coffee table lies two plates with pancakes, eggs, toast and a few different kinds of fruits. My mouth gapes open, it looked incredible. 

He grabs one of the plates and starts cutting up the pancakes. I take the other plate and set it on my lap, getting ready to devour this masterpiece.

"Nuh uh." Colin says, pulling the plate out of my lap and setting it down on the coffee table.

"So now you're gonna make me watch you eat?" I grumble with a pout on my face.

"No I'm going to feed you." he responds with his stern voice which turns me on. 

"I can feed myself,  I am a very independent wo-" I feel a strawberry go into my mouth, stopping me from protesting anymore. I bite into the strawberry, letting a moan slip from my lips. It was soooo yummy.

"Do you like that?" He asks.

I nod and reach for another one.

"Are they the best?" He asks another question as he feeds me another strawberry.

I chew and swallow. "No, your c*ck is."

I bite my lip as his lips curve into a smirk. He puts his hands under the sheet, rubbing my hips. I groan and lean into him. He moves his hands to my bottom, squeezing and playing with my butt cheeks as he pleases. I whimper and whine, cuddling into him. He seems to get the message to stop and snuggles into me.

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