Chapter 1

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Someone please open the door for this man!!! cheiiiiii

Biting into the succulent piece of chicken and nearly moaning out loud, I chewed excitedly but soon the meat felt like saw dust in my mouth; guilt gnawed my insides as I thought about the girl who prepared this meal. 

 The memory of the events that had occurred nearly 4 years ago were pushed to the forefront of my mind, it feels like it all happened yesterday.

We had all been complacent in the much publicized rejection of Lyric Henderson, it was a well achieved group effort, those who had not physically participated and stood by and just allowed it to happen. 

 Damn I participated more than others, hammering the last proverbial nail into the coffin during the council vote to seal the Alpha's decision to take a new mate.

At 23, she had matured into a gentle, wise she wolf amassing successes and wealth; a far cry from the tomboyish scrawny thing that had gotten rejected by her mate the new alpha right after taking over leadership of the pack.

All the odds were stacked against her, the then 25yr old alpha had claimed that she was not Luna material and at that point he was right the 19yr old was everything that a Luna was not meant to be. But time had its way with the matter and shamed all of us.

We seemed to have all forgotten the hours she had volunteered at the pack hospital, this started because her father was sick then quickly became a passion ,or that she was stronger than most females her age, or her knack for organization or how eager we were to eat whenever it was her turn to prepare the meal at the pack house.

The minute Greyson had rejected her, it was like temporary insanity, a bewitchment of some sort had fallen upon the whole pack;

 I would say we threw her under the bus but we were the bus. The pack rejecting her was one thing but the brutal public emotional lynching that followed was more than disgusting.

Listening to the language being used to refer to his daughter through the pack mind link had probably driven her father to the grave. 

That man had gotten off his death bed to try and change the council vote and protect his daughter and is to this day one of the reasons why her mother behaved like an outsider instead of being part of the pack she had once loved so much.

At last she had turned feral, her first heat had driven her insane but who wouldn't lose their mind though; her wolf driven by anger and bitterness had tried to attack the new Luna leading to her banishment.

She had returned six months later when her father's condition became critical and begged the alpha to lift her banishment so she could be there for her father's last moments.

A year after his burial she had started a small catering business which was a genius idea since she could cook and wolves love to eat, the perfect combination but I think it was also a way to distance herself from pack activities, who would continue to give their all to those who scorned them so badly? Now she ran one of the most successful businesses in the pack, who would have ever thought.

I sighed as she walked over to me,

"Elder Ida" she greeted respectfully.

"Hello Lyric" I replied.

"Do you need anything?" She asked with a wide smile.

"No but thank you, I am having a great time" I said

"Would you like a cookie?" she offered her mood becoming playful.

"Oh yes" I reached over to get one.

"Well I gotta keep going" She said making her eyebrows go up and down playfully "I got the cure for a cookie emergency." I laughed genuinely; she brought that out in people, genuineness.

"Thank you, Lyric" We both smiled.

"My pleasure, Elder Ida, just holler if you need me" She said over her shoulder as she walked away.

An eerie scent hit me as she hurried off, it was very faint but still there, it seems she was approaching her heat; the scent was mixed with a heavy herbal scent probably from heat suppressing herbs. 

We are headed for a silver blood moon tonight hence the gathering, it is a gift from the moon goddess to the mated wolves.

As a matter of fact, a lot of pups would be sired tonight but it is probably a curse to a rejected wolf because it reaffirmed all bonds, completed or broken.

I watch as her walk gets intercepted by her mate well ex mate and the new Luna, her replacement, she speaks with him respectfully but remains reserved while he acts cold but his eyes and body language say something different. 

She turns to the Luna and they speak she looks calm but the other's behavior is baseline snide, actions speak louder than words.

She would have been the perfect Luna, Loane had us all fooled, when the dust from the rejection and banishment settled, we all began to notice the back handedness and aloofness of our new Luna. 

It was the scales were removed off of our eyes and we began to gravitate towards the warmth and sincerity of our would be Luna. She was now surrounded by the pups offering cookies and kisses, those actions from 4 years ago had created a crack in the foundations of our pack, there was a rift in our very core.


Author's Note:

Hey fwends, welcome to this story.... this is one of those rejection stories a bit cliche but i am just a basic person ahem, a basic bitch if you will. Thank you for choosing this book, its not very deep, critical or any of that stuff however i hope that its at least funny and we can laugh along the way. Alright enjoy; please remember that you decided read this story no one is forcing you.

 Alright enjoy; please remember that you decided read this story no one is forcing you

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