Truth or Dare

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Me and my friend Sarah stood outside the doorway in the autumn breeze. I had on a warm fluffy jacket, but I still kinda wanted to shiver due to nerves. Sarah was really excited to have me meet her friends, and she kept telling me to be cool and not to be a downer. It kind of stung because I'm usually less of a party type and the one who likes quiet activities. Plus I'm pretty shy, for reasons that she knows very well. But Sarah was my best friend, and she had been talking about these girls for weeks. I wanted to make her happy. And I really wanted to make some new friends.

As soon as Sarah knocked, I heard a pair of feet coming running across soft carpet and then the door flew open.

"Heyyyy bitches!" said the first girl at the door exuberantly.

"The fuck is up?" said the second girl behind her.

"Sarah, come in!" the first girl said. "And your darling plus-one is?"

"This is Lily," Sarah introduced me. "I told you about her, remember? She's super fun."

I blushed. I like when people talk about me; it makes me feel special.

"Ok, come in, Lily," the first girl smiled. "I can't wait to get to know you. We're going to have a blast."

With that I stepped into the house, feeling better about being here already. They liked me!

"Lily, this is Violet, and this is Melody," Sarah said. Violet was tall with straight brown hair that curled at the ends that reached her waist. She wore a bomber jacket and a band shirt over short-shorts and purple tights. Melody was the shorter girl and her blonde hair was caught in two round buns. She wore a revealing white V-neck shirt and a short skirt over yellow tights.

"Pleased to meet you!" I said. To Violet I said, "Hey, I guess we both have flower names!"

"True. Though yours isn't a color," Violet smiled.

"Come on," said Melody impatiently. "Let's stop standing around and go upstairs!"

She took off up the stairs and we all followed her. Up two flights of stairs was a loft, it reminded me of being in the attic at my parents' house, but this place was decked out. The whole back wall was a beautiful triangular window with a view all the way over the hills and across the bay. The room was full of bean bag chairs and couches and the walls were lined with racks of movies. There was even a minifridge on each side of the room, each one was decorated with different stickers.

"Come on. Make yourselves comfortable," Violet said, tossing herself down on a bean bag. Melody and Sarah lounged on either end of the couch, and I found my own bean bag chair, taking my jacket off and putting it on the ground. Luckily, I wore long pants today, so I didn't need to worry about any kind of flashing because of sitting on something so low.

"Okay, girls. You know what we're here for," Violet said. "Truth or fuckin' Dare!!!"

A chill went through me. I'm a sensitive person, so Truth or Dare can be a little hard for me. I looked at Sarah. Did she know we were going to be doing this? And she chose not to tell me? But she just shrugged at me, like, go with the flow.

I decided I could handle it. I don't care if I'm shy, I do like to have fun. This would be the perfect chance to show Sarah's friends I could be cool!

"Do you want to go first, Lily?" Melody asked sweetly.

I nodded quickly. "Sarah! Um, I dare you... I mean, truth or dare?"

"Dare!" said Sarah.

"Okay. I dare you to show us the last text to your crush!"

"Mmmm... okay." Sarah got out her phone. After a moment, she pulled up the text convo and showed it to us. It was with...

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