death (pls read end notes)

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POV izuku

"god fucking damn it if momo wasn't there I would of beat the shit out jirou right then and there but no fucking asshole just had to be smart and jump to pass the electric wave" landing in a tree sitting down denki on a branch with the tree in between there legs when suddenly he heard a big crash and hears a loud screech "ahh that must be the creature would love to watch but gotta make sure denki is ok" turning back to denki

"hey denks are you there can you come back to me pls?" deku doesn't actually know if what he's doing is going to bring him or he just has to get out naturally but its better then doing nothing and thinking about commiting murder and how to get away with it

grabbing denkis hand and rubbing circles on them " hey denks are you there can you nod if you hear me or feel me touching you"

he gets a little nod in return

" oh there you are your slowly coming back to me thank goodness I didn't know what I was gonna do with you if you didn't come back in time you could have gotten hurt or something are you ok i saw what happen ?." talking softly until he hears a loud crash causing denki to flinch

"im ok i- can we talk about it later? and shouldnt we be helping " quickly removing his hands away from deku

" technically yea but there nothing we can just look at that thing its huge" another explosion can be heard causing denki to flinch and suddenly he starts scratching his skin

"hey are you ok whats wrong" wanting to touch him but he figures that might be the problem turning to look at denki

"t-too much everything its itchy to loud to bright to much everything"putting his hands on his ears

"ok, mmh so he's overwhelmed hmm everything's to much so hes over sensitized and the battle is a big part of that alright"as he looks over to the battle he sees every one helping all might not die which is going on far too long for his liking which is not good maybe he can make them float and just have all might and the stupid creature fight but ill also have to keep denki distracted "

using his powers to make everyone float in the air

"hey denk I've gotta admit i have no idea how to help you but ill try my best so maybe take off your jack and lean you head against my chest and ill hug to block out as much noise as I can would that be ok or would that be too much " izuku asking in a soft whisper as to not add to the noise

denki nodded affirming also asking for help as he did not want to touch the jacket any more

"ok here let me just ..ok got it now come here is that better" placing the jacket behind him pulling denki close putting denkis legs on top of him reminding himself of when they were in the hall during lunch and also wraping his arms around his head

~~~~~mean while ~~~~~

POV no ones 

 the students are panicking wondering how there floating not able to get anywhere just watching all might not being able to move besides getting beat up by this monster he had no friction to even Detroit smash that would just send him flying some where else and that creature would just follow him and he could feel the timer going down and as much as he tried he couldn't do anything and suddenly he's not big anymore and then he's out and the student are shocked and that's when iida and the pros finally show up but their to late he's already dead  and the student are all traumatize and suddenly that's when they all fall to the floor and then they see deku walk out the small forest holding a sleeping denki slowing down when he walks up to Mr.Aizawa who lays there unconscious at this point leaving a note 

and slowly walk up towards the portal everyone shocked asking why he betrayed them why he was on the villian side he luaghs and simply answers

"i was never on your side to begin with plus maybe you should ask bakugou katsuki what happened in middle school that should help answer all your questions....and jirou you are lucky i couldn't intervene there when you hurt denki"

he chuckled walking though the portal

denki did return 4 days later like the note said the one that izuku gave Mr.aizawa it also said in the note about what happen with jirou she was suspended for a week    

dear Mr.aizawa

 by time you read this i am gone and i have denki don't worry he did not know i was doing this and i am not making him join the league of villains but I think he needs a break due to recent event with jirou where she made fun of him and recorded him when he short circuited and posted it online and despite denki asking her to take it down  and me as well she still did not and over all she was very blatantly rude and continued to bully him he didn't report this to you cause he didn't want to get jirou in trouble and so have other student but not as much as her    

~~~~~~~end of story~~~~~~~~~

damn i finally finish this story after so long sorry to have kept ya'll waiting I feel pretty bad but i keep't my promise in finishing it and i know that it probably looks half assed but this i really how it would have ended if i was persistent with writing  

i might write what happened with denki in those four day but this is considered the end of the story i just don't want anyone to think i still continuing it  also there is another ending well not really but i kinda wanted to put this scene in some where but i didn't think it would fit  well and i didn't know where to put it and how to write it in plus it wouldn't go well with the whole killing all might 

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