Did It Stop Or Is It On Pause

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They woke up in the van safe. Evan came out and told Vincent,"You can come out, it stopped." "That's weird, I thought the world would end by now."said Vincent coming out of the van." They all got text messages from their college, saying: Meet in quad. It was Evan's turn to drive and Jade wanted to sit in the passengers seat. They pulled up to the college looking for a parking spot. Once they found one, they were all standing in a crowd of people and they saw the most popular kids at the college on a stage.One of them said, "I know yesterday was crazy but we college kids like to party." "Are you crazy!!"said a person from the crowd. "What'd you just say?" "I said are you..." And BANG. That poor person was dead. "Follow me everyone to the gym." They partied but Christine, Zoey, Ivan, Brooke, and Vincent didn't feel like partying. They thought it was stupid. All you see is Evan and Jade dancing and Rosemary getting some red punch. Evan whispered to Vincent to ask Brooke to dance. "Hey Brooke would you like to dance." asked Vincent holding out his hand. "You know what yeah I'd love too." replied Brooke holding his hand. They danced and Rosemary fell asleep on a chair. "Do you think she'll be okay?" asked Christine to Zoey. "I guess." Brooke was just dancing with Vincent when they stopped the music and said: "Alright enough with that slow song and let's play some real music!" 3 HOURS LATER. Rosemary was drunk. Everything started feeling in sow motion. Then stopped. The lights went out. Or did someone close their eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2015 ⏰

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