chapter 13 : frozen shapeshifters

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"Are you sure ? " Nicole said

" there are many snowy mountains in whole locwaire " she added

" well yeah technically you're right but look at this " nathan said

" thats the pyry tower in frozen heaven " he added

"But the snow angels are guarding the tower " nicole said

" how do we get pass them ? " She added

" Well lets think about that on the way " ethan said

They got into the ship and head to the frozen heaven

" Wait its very cold there we will froze to death" chloe said

"Dont worry there are lots of huge giant cabbage leaves near frozen heaven we can wear those as coats " nathan said

They arrived near frozen heaven and picked up giant cabbage leaves and wore it as coats

" How do we get pass pyry ? I've Hearded that she's a tough opponent " nicole asked

"Dont worry she's my friend " nathan said with a smile

They climed the avalanche terrains and finnaly arrived at pyry's tower

"Hey ! Pyry ! " Nathan shouted

A woman appears in the window looking at them

" What do you want ? " Pyry said

" Splinter wanted to tell you something "  nathan lied

" Splinter i thought you...." Faith whispers

" Dont worry im lying " nathan said and winked

"Come here and tell me " pyry said

Nathan climed the tower while the snow angels guarded faith and the others

"Splinter wants to know the location of the gem here on frozen heaven " nathan said

"What gem ? What are you talking about...... " Pyry asked with a confused face

" What i thought you knew about the gem !?! " Nathan said

" I think you should go visit the library of lies " pyry said

"What ? Why ? " Nathan asked

"Nathan ! Help us ! " The others shouted

"Wha.. " before nathan even finished talking pyry took his neck and jump from the window

" Do you think im that easy to get fooled ?, splinter already told me about what you did you little snitch " pyry said

The snow angels locked them in a cage inside a cold cave

"We're doomed " ethan said

"Cedrick can you break this ? " Chloe asked

" yeah,stand back "

They all got out but they're still locked inside the cave

"Look guys, there ! " Faith said while pointing at a tiny hole in the ceiling

"Chloe can you transform and go there and find a way how to get us out of here " faith said

Chloe transform into her fox form and look for someone to help them then suddenly a voices can be heard from afar,

" someone's coming " chloe said to herself

It was a group of strong looking woman wearing clothes made out of animal furs

"Hi can you help us " chloe said

" Look guys a talking fox ! " A  woman said

" Shhh quiet let the fox finish Talking " another woman replied

" Hi im lumi barloume what can i help you ? " Lumi said

" My friends are stuck inside a cave can you please help them ? " Chloe kindly asked

" Sure ! Guys lets go " lumi said

They transformed into giant polar bears and followed chloe to the cave

" Wait are you !?!? " Chloe said

" Yes we're shapeshifters,now Lets save your friends "

They pushed the giant stone and all of them were surprised

" Be-be-bears !!!! " William said

" Dont worry guys this is lumi barloume and her friends " chloe replied

" We prefer 'frozen shapeshifters' thank you " a woman said

"Wait shapeshifters !?!? " Cedrick said

"Yeah why so surprised ? " Lumi said

"I thought chloe and i were the last ones " cedrick replied

"This world is truly mysterious " faith whispered

" Wait how can you transform twice today ? " Nicole asked cedrick

" Wait i didn't notice that " faith

"*Gasp* maybe the real shape shifters gem is near " faith added

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