The end of a new beginning

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I am new to writing stories and my main language is not English I am sorry if I write something wrong.

(character): thought

Character: talking

My name is Zek and it is another quiet day in my room while I finish reading an article on maritime history, by the way I ended up being interested in warships and their history, I had not been interested in this topic for a long time, I'm so invested to the point of having planning a trip for my twenty-fourth birthday to the imperial war museum to visit Belfast, most things did not interest me so much for that I never make an effort, when I studied I finished with minimal marks so as not to fail the courses.

One day before traveling

Zek: Owww my back hurts from sitting so long ...... for some reason I feel old.

Zek: Lucky we were able to win this game, right?

Albert: It was a very long game, a good idea to surround them while me and Diego distracted them.

(Zek): As my grades were low I had no confidence in my intelligence but my physical skills were pretty decent so I thought it was a balance or something but when I played different games with my friends I was the one who ended up planning the strategies to win, so I realized that I'm pretty good at organizing strategies on the fly, although I wasn't so bad at planning ahead either.

But thinking about a strategy and executing it in such a way that it would lead me to victory was something I liked, it made me feel superior and happy when things went as planned.

Juan: Tomorrow you're going to the UK, right?

Zek: Yes, I already have my luggage prepared, although I will only be there for 1 week.

Albert: If it were another date, we would all go.

Zek: True, it's a shame everyone's busy right now.

(Zek): My group of friends was only three people, I don't like to socialize a lot and the two of them are friends that I have had for many years, Diego is Albert's younger brother, so I have also known him since he was little, I was happy with my group of friends. friends.

Zek: Well, see you in a week I will send you photos or something interesting that I find.

All: Okay, have a good trip

It's time to sleep because tomorrow I have a long day ahead.

After arriving in Britain

(Zek): Finally, I'm here, now it's a good moment to go to the museum, the whole trip I was thinking is about seeing a real warship, time to take a taxi.


I finally made it to the museum; I just have to cross the street.

Zek: Wait it's a bus... at full speed!!!!!



(Zek): Luckily, I dodged it, but I dropped my backpack with my things and the bus crushed it.

(Nope I won't leave this world for bus-kun)

Zek: This is what happens when I don't pay attention, I need to calm down.

Driver: Are you okay?

Zek: if I'm okay I'll just pick up my things and go.

(Zek): People are looking at me and I would prefer to avoid these situations, being the center of attention is not very to my liking, and this incident was my fault.

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