Chapter 1 The First Day.

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(Taylor's POV) I have dated famous boy band member Harry Styles from 1D for a year. We had a pretty good relationship. We really couldn't hang out together cause he was always busy recording music in the studio. I was pretty busy too. Every time we hung out we always tried to do fun stuff. Harry really liked to go to museums. After we dated for a while, Our relationship just wasn't working out. We never really had the time to hang out. One day we both had the same day off, He had texted me asking if I wanted to go over to his house. So I went over to his house for a while. We just sat down and talked.

(Olivia's POV) Harry Styles and I have been best friends since we were both in Kindergarten. I could talk to him about anything. When we were both in high school, I kinda had a little crush on him. I don't know why. I always saw him at the mall with either his friends or his mom. (She is a sweetheart.) Every time I saw him, I would always get butterflies in my stomach. We would always say hi to each other.

(Taylor's POV)
*At Harry's house*

"Would you like something to drink or eat?" Harry says.

"No thanks, I'm good." Taylor says.

Me and Harry both sat on the couch together.

"How's the studio going?" She says.

"Stressful. It's so hard to write all of these new songs that we can all agree on." He says.

I turned on the T.V to break the silence.

I seem that his phone buzzed and had gotten a text message but I didn't even bother to look.

"I'll be right back." He says.

(Harry's POV)
I told Taylor that I need to use the bathroom. She had seen that I got a text message. It was from Olivia.

(Olivia's POV)
I had texted Harry to ask him what's up. I was sitting at home bored.
*Text Message conversation*
Hey :)
Hey what's up
Not much, you?
Just at my house hanging with Taylor.
Oh that's cool.
I better go before she worried about me.
All right, Talk to you later.
Ok :)

(Taylor's POV)
"Sorry, I had a important call." He says.
I kind of thought he was lying, But I didn't even bother to ask.

*So here's the first chapter. Hope you like it! I'll try to post more chapters soon! :)*

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