Chapter 10: That Morning

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Alois woke up and stretched his arms out, the world around him spinning from where he'd sat up so quickly. He alarmingly looked around, not recognizing his surroundings immediately. Then, he heard the peaceful breathing of the other little earl right next to him and he calmed down quickly.

That's right... I'm in... the Phantomhive manor...

A gentle smile spread onto his face. It was so nice to be in love. Young, stupid, teenage love at that. It seemed like... all the worries of the world were lifted off his shoulders whenever he was around Ciel anymore. He knew that Ciel loved him. He knew that he loved Ciel. And despite the fight they had the previous night, their love was still strong and visible. Alois chuckled a little and slumped over to lay completely on top of the other earl playfully. He grinned and messed up Ciel's hair, leaning close to whisper in his ear. 

"Wake up, sleepy head...~" 

Ciel fidgeted for a moment, opening his eyes just barely. He grabbed the pillow that Alois was sleeping on on the opposite side of the bed, threw his hand back, and smacked his boyfriend with it. 

"Get offa me, fatass..."

Ciel smiled as well, joking around. Alois simply rolled his eyes and opened his mouth, nibbling on the other's ear. 

"Lazy pig." 

Alois taunted, letting out a little laugh. 

Ciel sighed, turning his head slightly to escape the blonde's nibbling.

"Annoying brat." 


"Childish idiot." 

"Candy addict." 

"Hot, blonde mess." 


 Both of the boys burst out into giggles, not being able to keep up their name-calling game any longer. Ciel struggled to flip underneath his royal hotness, eventually getting to the point that he was laying on his back. He wrapped his arms around Alois, pulling him close and letting out a pleasant sight.

"Good morning...I love you~"

Alois hugged him the best he could, which was difficult with his back pressed against the mattress like that. 

"Good morning... I love you more."

"Do not."

"Do too." 


"Yeah- huh!" 

"No way." 


Alois pouted a little bit, giving him a frustrated face. Ciel laughed for a moment and reached up to kiss the other earl on the nose in an apologetic way.

 "Sorry... Just teasing." 

Alois gave him a 'yeah, right, whatever' look and buried his head in the blunette's neck, shuddering from the warmth it put off. It was early November and colder than ever outside. The heat that Ciel gave off was so nice. Ciel took notice of his as well and held Alois tighter, just taking a moment to sit there and cuddle him. It had been a while since Ciel had been able to hold someone like that. He'd nearly forgotten what it felt like. But it really was... so nice.... 

"Come on, we need to get out of the bed at one point..."

Alois sighed, escaping the warm grip of the other and slipping down onto the floor from the bed. He wasn't looking forward to going home without Ciel today, not at all... But he really had no choice. Ciel sat up and looked at him sadly, scooting up to sit against the backboard. 

"Sebastian still hasn't come home yet. I'm worried..." 

Alois saw how concerned the other was and stood up, grabbing his hand and looking him directly in the eye. 

"Look at me. I promise he's going to come back. I don't know exactly when, but.... this is Sebastian we're talking about. When has he ever abandoned you before?"

Ciel thought about it for a moment, looking down at the hand that Alois took into his own. It was true, Sebastian never really had betrayed him before. Maybe he wouldn't be gone much longer. But then again... He'd never been gone for this long before. Truth be told, the little blunette was extremely worried. Of course, Ciel didn't look to his butler as a lover. The thought of it disgusted him. But... Sebastian was more like a father, a friend. Someone who Ciel would always have  by his side to protect him no matter what.  

"Well... I guess you're right... he'll come back eventually..." 

Ciel boosted himself onto his knees, wrapping his arms around the Trancy and pulling him close. 

"But what I'm really worried about is not getting to see you. We'll both be busy with work, we can't be seen together in public, Claude won't allow you to leave the house without telling him first like you did..." 

Alois frowned. Ciel was right. They would barely even be able to see each other anymore... Even so, he was going to make this work. 

"Don't leave me..."

Ciel said weakly and softly, burying his head into Alois's neck. Alois's eyes shot wide open. Never had he heard Ciel's voice sound like this before. Alois quickly wrapped his arms around Ciel, feeling how he was trembling. 

"I... don't have a choice, Ciel, I have to go back to the manor or Claude will throw a fit....If I stay, he'll eventually come looking for me only to find that I've been staying with you... and he can't know that we're-" 

"Take me with you!" 

Ciel pulled back and looked at him desperately, his eyes wide but determined. 

Alois looked at him with sympathy, reaching up to gently push some hair out of his face then placing the hand against his cheek. 

"Claude can easily sense your presence..."

Ciel looked away from him, trying to hide his face. He couldn't help it when tears began to drop off of his face, soaking the fabric of the blonde's sleeve.

"If we get separated, everything will return back to normal... just the way it was when I didn't have you for me... there wasn't a single thing to cheer me up until you came along... " 

At that moment, Alois got an idea. 

"Back to the way it was...."

Alois stared at him for a moment with excitement in his eyes, Ciel giving him a confused expression.

"Back to the way it was! Listen, Ciel, I know a way I can take you with me to the manor.... we're going to have to do a little acting, though...~"

A smile spread across the blonde's face. This wasn't going to be easy... but if they did it right, it would work without a doubt. 

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