Chapter 5

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i called one of the guys, his name was Nick, he gave me directions to his place.

I got there and he let me in, we sat in his room playing video games and eating, after a while i went to his bathroom and downed some headache and caffeine pills. We hung around the house until it was night, when i got in his car with him and we headed for the club, we did the same as last night.

In the morning we went back to his place, he gave me a change of clothes and for the next few days i crashed at his place, doing the same thing over and over. again.


I rolled over and checked the time it was 12:00 pm on a saturday, i looked around and recognised everything, i was in Nick's guest bedroom, i got up and went down to the kitchen to see him sipping on a beer.

"Dude do you live on that thing?"

He smirked "pretty much, hey you coming with us tonight?"

I scratched my head "i was kinda planning on going home today, i mean it's been more than a week."

He outed and began talking with a pleading tone "come on, one more night and then you can go home tomorrow, oh but don't forget us, every once in a while we can hang."

I laughed "yeah that's if my parents don't lock me in my room for doing this."

We laughed, eat, played video games and later got ready for the party. I was in the bathroom and grimmiced at the sight, i had more than enough caffeine pills, but was running low on headache pills. I downed them and joined Nick in his car.

"Tonight is gonna be a little different from the rest."


He smiled evily, not like the set in my nightmares, but like he was up to something "we have an extra party to attend tonight."


First we hit the club, then about 11:00 pm we went to this giant mansion, there was alot of fancy looking cars parked outside, i was about to get out when Nick handed me a clown mask.

"What's this for?"

"We're gonna go crash that party, oh, stick with me and don't fall behind."

He handed me one of two aluminum bats, i shrugged and pulled on the mask, and left the car with the bat in hand. We headed to the door and he rung the bell, i looked back and saw the rest of the group wearing mask and all had their own weapons, the door opened and we all crashed through, knocking over what looked like a butler on the ground.

We ran through the house smashing fancy vaces, denting in the wall, we all screamed and ran, a guy threw a girl up on the chandelier, she swung on it till it came down and jumped out of the way. The people dressed in formal clothes watched at us in terror, we smashed the dinner wear, broke up furniture, knocked out a guy or two, then we ran back through the front and smashed in windows for the cars and dented them.

I jumped in Nick's car and our cars and trucks went racing into the night, we screamed, yelled and howled feeling proud of ourselves. We drove through the night all the way to the beach, stripped and went for a swim. We popped open the champainge we stole and ate the chicken and other food we took, we cracked open the beers we had, we played the music loud, danced and made out with random people. Later we collapsed on the beach watching the sunrise.

We went back to Nick's place, i took a shower, tidyed up myself and changed into the clothes i came with, i grabbed my bag and Nick followed me to the door.

"See you around"


I got on my bike and drove off, i was feeling a bit tired but i didn't let it bother me.

I finally reached home, got off my wife and braced against iti lit a cig and smoked it while wandering who would be home now. The door opened and Keith walked out.

"I see youy're alive" i continued smoking ignoring his stupid remark "where have you been?"

"No where in particular."

"Do you want to know where i think you've been?" he didn't wait for my answer "i thopught you were dead somewhere, so did mom, our sisters, dad. Mom has been crying her eyes out for the past week and a half, thinking of all the ways you could die!"

I rolled my eyes, he tried to slap me but i dodged it .

"What the fuck is with you, aside from the fact that you're a mental case!"

I threw my cig on the ground and smached it "fuck you!"

I walked away into the house, dodged dad and went up to my room only to see mom sitting on my bed holding my teddy, which she gave me when i was a baby. Tears were running down her face, her eyes were puffy, we just stared at eachother till i walked over and sat next to her, she swiftly hugged me and i held her back, i felt tired and my headache kicked in.

"Mom my heads hurting."

She pulled back, looked at me, got up and went into my bathroom, i watched as long as i could, but then my eyes closed in.



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