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Wanda POV:

I pushed her down on the bed and straddled her lap and kissed her lips

She deepen the kiss by adding her tongue into it her explored my mouth before flipping us over so she was onto of me

I smirked as she pulled my blazer off my shoulders she leaned down
and kissed my shoulder blades and sucking hickeys into them

I threw my head back in pleasure and let a moan slip

Wait a second

I looked back up at her and tilted my head

I'm the Dom this bitch-

I flipped us back over and removed my t-shirt

"Don't try top me kitten"I whispered into her ear

I felt goosebumps on her skin and smirked

I took of my clothes and attached the strap to my waist

She leaned on her elbows and watched me

"Ready for me princess"she nodded and bit her lip

I climbed over to her and thrusted my toy into her in one quick movement

She moaned loudly and arched her back

I thrusted the toy into her tight little hole before grabbing her hips and moving at a good speed

"My little cock whore like that"


"Does she like the way I stretch her out"


"Ye-o-yes she-ah- does"she let out between moans

I lent down to her ear pushing all of the toy into her so my stomach was touching her pussy

"Good girl"

She gripped the bed sheets and arched her back as she let go

"FUCK WANDA"she screamed coming down from her high

I pulled out of her and threw the strap on the floor she tried to get up before I pushed her back

"I'm not done with you slut"

She whined as I brought her legs closer to me and seated my self in between them

I grabbed my knife and the vibrator

"Tell me to stop and I will kitty"she nodded and I pushed the vibrator inside her

"You can cum as many times as u want okay baby"she smiled and nodded

I turned on the toy and put it to the highest setting

Her moans and screams filled the room as I picked the knife up and pulled her thigh onto mine

I began to lightly cut into her skin carving my initials into her

Claiming her

Marking her

Making sure they know


Her blood dripped down her thigh once I had finished my initials


Carved into her thigh

I lent down and licked her blood which had been mixed with her arousel

It was delicious

"RED"She screamed 

My eyes widened and I pulled the vibrator out of her and checked on her

"Baby are you okay did I hurt you"

"No no it's not you but I'm very overstimulated and u haven't even came once"she pouted

"I don't care if I don't finish baby as long as u have Im happy"I smile at her

"Sit on my face"I looked at her shocked she's never been this forward before

"W-what did u say"

"I said sit on my face master"she said so innocently

"If u can't breath tap my thigh twice"

(Got this from any other book it's amazing I'll add a pic at the end)

She nodded

I crawled onto of her and lowed myself onto her

She got to work almost immediately

Her tongue lapped my clit

And sucking on it

She thrusted her tongue into me earning a loud moan

She gripped the back of my thighs and pulled me down on her tongue fully

I gripped her hair and grinded on her face

A few minutes later I finished all over her face I hopped of her and went to the bathroom to grab a cloth

I came back and she had swallowed my cum and only had a bit left on her face

I smiled and wiped it off

She pulled me into a kiss and smiled

"Thank you"she whispered against my lips

"For what baby"


I pulled away and smiled she looked down at her thigh and traced the two letters

"It's cute"she said before pulling me into another kiss

I ran her a bathe and washed her hair and body

I grabbed her one of my t-shirts

I grabbed her one of my t-shirts

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This without the bag

I lifted her up out the bathe and dried her off I sat her on the counter and dressed her before taking her back to bed

She laid on top of me listening to my heart beat before falls asleep

"God I love you y/n m/n l/n"



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This is the book it is amazing

I have read it about 20 times

No there isn't just one chapter my wattpad is just lagged


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