Chapter 8- MIXED

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Sitting on the couch and talking to Remus seemed unnatural at this point. When he died thirteen years ago, I didn't think I would ever see him again. I had accepted it, and buried him in my heart next to my parents, Elijah, Sirius, and Cedric. Now? Now, I didn't want to let him out of my sight.

"Hope?" George whispered softly in my ear.

"I'm ok. I'm still trying to wrap my head around this." And squash down the hope that a certain twin would return.

I turned and saw understanding reflecting back at me. I gasped and clutched at my stomach as the twins played the drums on my ribs. George chuckled softly and rubbed my stomach in fondness. He and I have enjoyed every pregnancy so far, but I knew this was his favorite one yet. This one specifically hold more weight in his heart that only few knew why. The twins would always make George Weasley a pile of goo.

"Come along, Love, it's time to get you back to school." He whispered, kissing my cheek and helping me stand. I really didn't want to, but I complied with his request and waddled towards the group and said my goodbyes. Hugs have gotten awkward with my pregnancy, so I give arm squeezes or waves. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny smiled and told me to rest more often. They also told me to tell their nieces that they needed to write more. After saying goodbye to my son, nephew, and niece, I kissed my husband before stepping into the fireplace.

"Can anyone tell me the difference between werewolves? Let me remind you, this is a review—ugh." I hissed, clutching my stomach once more. The twins have been kicking up a storm. Just like last week at Harry's place.

"Everything alright, Professor?" Mr. Calleen asked.

Sucking in a sharp breath I nodded. When I opened my mouth to say something, the pain just seemed to intensify. Groaning, I leaned back on my chair and tried to breath through the pain, like I have been doing for awhile now.

"Can one of you go get Madam Promfry, please? I'm pretty sure I'm in labor, and need to get to Saint Mungos." I called out to my class. Mr. Calleen took off out of the classroom, and while the other students stared at me in concern. "I'm fine, guys. I've done this three times already."

"Right, but this time your having twins." Miss. Vanderbilt cut in.

I sighed and shook my head. "Miss. Vanderbilt, will you go and get my daughters, niece, and nephew. Thank you. Mr. Jackson, can you go get Headmistress McGonagall, I need her to cover my classes. Also, tell her to send for my husband. Off you go. The rest of you, class dismissed."

Some students took off our the door, while others sat and watched me. Nikol, Amelia, Victoire, and Teddy rushed into the classroom, just as Madam Pomfrey arrived.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Amy asked, coming to stand directly in front of me, Victoire and Teddy moving to stand at my sides.

"Nothings wrong per-say. I'm pretty sure the babies are coming is all." I waved her off, with a small smile.

"You are having your babies, Professor. We need to get you to Saint Mongos, immediately. It seems the contractions have been happening all day. Why didn't you say anything?" The school nurse chided.

I groaned as another one hit. Hands pulled at my arms as they lifted me from my seat and forced me to walk into my office. There was shouting and a flash of green fire before we were gone. A strange haze entered my vision, as I stepped further into the hospital. I leaned into whoever was on my left side, something strange and new setting in.

"Hope, you need to stay awake." That was Teddys voice. "Come on, Aunt Hope, we're almost there. You gotta stay awake."

"Where's George?" I breathed, closing my eyes as pain laced my body, and the haze worsened.

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