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Hey guys so this book is the one I will be continuing. The other one will be on hold until there's enough time to manage all three books we've been working on. Until then I hope you guys enjoy this book!

Picture of Amanda Sky's to the side bar played by Brit Robertson.
"Hey mandy"
"Oh hey Adam," I perked up as he said my name.

"Want to go grab some drinks."he smiled.
"Yeah sure!"
We talked until we reached the snack table which was all the way at the other side of the lake but I was probably just exaggerating.

I was about to grab a cup when the table started shaking.

"Uh. uhh Adam please tell me that's your stomach growling" I turn around to see Adam running away trying to get out while I heard loud screams. No sexual innuendo intended.

Trust me there wasn't any pleasure in seeing people suffering. some trying to get out of the lake since they went in for a dive. It seemed as if they were being swallowed by the lake. It was too hard to see but as soon as the ground was shaking I knew this wasn't some kind of joke.
I ran as the fire torches flickered on and off and the crowd grew wilder screaming and trying to find an exit that wasn't crowded with people getting through.

I decided to go through the back of the woods and go around to get out of here and go home. I reached over ahead where the gates to the party were open and the rest of the town was peaceful as if nothing was happening. how did people not feel the crazy roar of the ground which had just stopped.

I ran until my dainty legs could take me because I wasn't all that fit even though I did track in school.

I ran at out of breath and I saw a group of people staring far ahead in the shadows. what the hell?

I panicked an turned around to start running back to where I came from. the living inferno. literally. everything was starting to catch fire by now.

Something grabbed my wrist and as I turned around I swinged up and found myself hanging from a tree.

" Great job Isabella, your really improving." a deep voice said.

I began to get light headed from hanging around. I was hanging from a tree and my brain was starting to pound. I probably shouldn't have drank alot. I'll remember that for future reference.

But that was all. that was all I remembered and I have no clue what happened after that. all i know is that I was probably going to die tonight.


And to my expectense I woke up with the hugest headache ever.

"Yo Brandon go check up on her would you? I don't want her fooling around and trying to get out" he laughed lowly.

Oh my god I was kidnapped! I was kidnapped by some psychotic teens that want to wrip my head off and duct tape me to the wall and paint me all over with green paint. the ugliest shade of green there could be....

And okay maybe I was just panicking and exaggerating but what else was I supposed to do. I wasnt tied up or anything but my head felt so heavy and in pain that I just couldn't get up. I couldn't even blink or bother to cry for my own sake.

I heard steps coming towards me so I pretended to be sleeping. that was the only thing I was good at. pretending. pretending that I could actually fit in, that I actually had a wonderful life. that I actually went on those rich people trips that include yachts and parties.
That was all I was good at I thought .

The footsteps stopped. and the person apperantly named Brandon walked in.

"Hey" he said in a questioning voice checking to see if I was awake or not.

I decided not to respond. my plan was that ill wait five more minutes for my headache to cure and since they would think I'm sleeping ill be trying to get out of this place.

He stood in front of the bed for a while. and touched my leg shaking me slightly. But some thing happened I felt something when he touched me. and if your thinking romantically then you can stop now because that's not what I meant. I mean I felt something . like a good vibe from him or something. this happened when I was talking to Adam earlier in school he gripped my shoulder and hugged me and i turned cold after wards even though it was summer. maybe hormones I guess?

He walked out of the room I was in .



Around five minutes had to pass by now so I open my eyes and to my surprise i was able to fully see again. so I got up and there was only a slight pound in my head everytime my feet took a step.

I reached the door and remember hearing the Brandon guy going to the right. so I decided to go left.

I was going to make a run for it but then I heard someone speak "where do you think your going?"

that same low cool voice from earlier tonight at the party.

"Great job Isabella, you're really improving."

Shit. "I uhh...." I looked around the hallway for something I could use against him. a weapon. but it was a hall way. there was nothing but lights attached to the ceiling. great.

"Who are you and what do you want from me!?" I yelled only making my head ache worse.

"I see the girl woke up" another said.
It was a blonde guy with fiery eyes.
He looked so furious but I could tell he wasnt mad or anything. it was probably his personality.

"She looks pretty for a girl that's on drugs" a girl giggled. drugs?! why did she think I was on drugs!i would never do drugs!ugghhh! I immediately dispised this girl for assuming the worst of me. she had dark blue eyes and really light blonde hair. but it went perfect with her pale skin.

"Quit it stacey." the guy in front of me said. it was this guy I probably liked most because he stood up for me.
"Why don't you go shower or some thing you smell like alcohol...not very attractive". He said quickly covering his last comment.

Never mind this guy is the worst. a total douche but his sharpened face was so attractive. he had light blue-grey eyes and dark black hair. he looked like the oldest of the group or, the leader of the group.

I remembered where I was and started running again.

One hallway after another. how big was this place?

As I ran I noticed the luxury of the rooms I passed and immediately thought I was probably in a massive mansion that they stole.

Who were these people and what did they want from me?

The Sixth Prodigy |Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now