Chapter 21

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Friday August 20th

My alarm goes off waking me up. Aurora groans and rolls off of me pressing her cheek against her pillow, her eyes remain closed. I cut off the alarm.

I turn on my side to face Aurora. "I'm gonna cook breakfast today. What do you want?"

"Whatever is fine." She mumbles with her eyes still closed.

I stand up and stretch but she's still in bed which is weird because she always gets up with me. "You're not getting up?"

"Give me a minute." She says irritably.

I frown at her attitude but don't say anything. I leave the room and go to Ari's. I find Ari laying in bed wide awake. She looks that me and gets up with a smile.

"Good morning princesa." I smile.

"Good morning."

"What do you want for breakfast?" I ask her as I pick her up. I start walking use to the kitchen.

"Ice cream!" She sings.

"I don't think mommy would be too happy about that."

"Don't tell her." She whispers.

I chuckle and kiss her cheek. "I can take you for ice cream tomorrow. What's something we can make for breakfast?" I sit her on the kitchen counter.

"I liked the bread with avocados, tomatoes, and eggs remember?" Im kinda surprised she knows the ingredients.

I smile. "Yeah, we can make that. Are you gonna help?"

She nods.

I get out the ingredients we need and we start making it. When we finish I start the coffee for Aurora and set out a plate for her. Then I put Ari in her chair and we eat. A few minutes after we've started eating Aurora comes in.

"Look who's finally up." I smile.

She smiles and her eyes go to the food and her hand immediately goes to her mouth as she bolts for the kitchen trash can and starts throwing up. The food that was in my mouth is now on my plate. Nice.

I set my fork down and go to her.

"Are you ok?" Is she sick? I know she likes that stuff because she ate it before.

Instead of answering she starts crying. Like sobbing.

I frown. "Why are you crying?" Although very confused I hug her and rub her back.

"I-I'm going to have to brush my teeth again." She leans back wiping at her eyes.

Once I process what she said to make sure I heard right I laugh. "You're crying because you have to brush your teeth again?" Why did she brush them before she ate anyway?

She leans back, with tears still spilling down her cheeks and starts giggling.

I lean back giving her weird look and my hands go to her waist. "Are you ok?" I ask again.

"No." She starts sobbing again. I'm seriously concerned.

"I-I think I might be pregnant."  She says quietly.

My eyes widen. That was so random. "Why would you think that?"

She sniffles. "My head hurts, I just threw up and I-I'm upset for no reason. When I was pregnant with Ari I felt like this."

"If you are it's ok." I try to comfort her.

"I don't wanna be pregnant right now." Tears continue to leak from her pretty blue eyes, breaking my heart, I don't like to see her sad.

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