For You

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"I didn't do it for you."

"Sure, you didn't, love." His smirk revealed otherwise. Her nostrils flared, and she was about to say something until he continued. "You did it because you called dibs first."

She snorted, "Dibs on what? Causing your demise?" His eyes cast down hers softened a fraction. "If that's what you're implying, then indeed you are correct." She added snidely, "For once."

He muttered, "I'll miss these conversations."

"I won't."

She grabbed his chin. She had tied his hands, as well as his legs. Her enemy since birth. Handsome, she'll give him that. But he was a lowlife. Lacked vision and continued to stand in her way. Maybe if he played his cards differently, they could've been something more. . .

But he lost all chances when he killed her sister. Her anchor, her only form of support. Her heart ached at the memory of the day he took her beloved sister from her.

She shut her eyes tightly. "It didn't always have to be this way. . ."

He whispered softly, "I know. . ."

With a quick blow to the chest, it numbered his breaths. "I did it all for you. Always." Lines formed on her forehead. "Your sister, she-" He gasped as the pain intensified. The adrenaline was fading away. "Just check the box, love." He smiled weakly and whispered, "It was always for you. . ."

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