Chapter 04

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"I'm not kidding! I really saw him! He's here beside me, holding my hand and he even brought me some peaches! I'm not fucking dreaming Yangyang!" Jaemin said who was looking enraged at his friend since Yangyang doesn't seem to trust him because he keeps insisting that it was all in his dream, Yangyang was well aware of how much this guy here missed his college friend and he already mistaken someone just because that person's back seemed familiar. Then, Jaemin is telling him that Jeno was here.

Jaemin has woken up already and his doctor, Lee Taeyong, has informed him of what is gonna happen. Of course Jaemin on the other hand already had a picture in his mind of what will happen to him since he's also a doctor and a part of him was sad about it.

All he can do now is take a break and rest while he recovers from his injuries.

His parents had already paid him a visit, and he had been scolded by his mother for acting foolishly, telling him that he was no longer a child but was still behaving in that manner. Of course, Jaemin was well aware that she was just worried about him.

However, when Jaemin opened his eyes, he was expecting to see Jeno, and he was disappointed when he didn't see him.

"Why don't you worry about yourself instead of him? Look at your state, you're not fine and because of your stubbornness, you got into an accident. Now, you have to take a break and who's the one who will manage your team? That bastard Choi Woojin."

"It's fine. You know he's also skilled and he can take care of my team. They are all professionals." Jaemin said calmly.

Jaemin's team has already paid him a visit, and when they saw him smiling at them, some of them broke down in tears. Although he wishes he could hug each of them for making them worry, he is unable to do so due to his fractured arm.

"Whatever. But, seriously, Jeno was here, and I'm not lying because I saw him."

"Alright! Then I'll say it with you. Jeno showed up and brought you some peaches. Those pink roses, it's from Jeno too and he said you will like it. Happy?" Yangyang said sarcastically and rose from his feet after receiving a glare from his friend. Basically, he's just making fun of Jaemin since he doesn't want to lose.

Yangyang is about to leave since he already noticed that Jaemin is fine after waking up from his four-day sleep, and because his patient, Renjun, may be looking for him, so he must leave and return later to check on him.

Taeyong entered the room at that point, and Yangyang greeted him before exiting Jaemin's room completely.

"Doctor Lee," Jaemin greeted him with a pleasant smile on his face as he entered the room.

"How are you feeling? Does your head hurt?"

"No, not at all. I'm perfectly fine." He responded. "But first and foremost, I'd like to thank you for being my doctor. I heard you offered to do it, and I owe you a great debt of gratitude for saving my life." The younger expressed his sincerity and even bowed to Taeyong. Jaemin is not very close to Taeyong, but he admires him. He was also sweet and hardworking, and knowing that he was the one who performed the surgery on him and even volunteered truly touched his heart.

"You can call me Hyung if you want." Taeyong gave him a friendly smile as he examined Jaemin's condition.

"Really? Can I really do that?"

"I will be honored if the most popular surgeon in our hospital is close to me."

"Oh no. I'm not that popular, hyung." Jaemin murmured hesitantly, and Taeyong chuckled because Jaemin's tone is adorable. "Anyway hyung, I'm really fine right? My brain wasn't affected in the accident or something?" Jaemin curiously added.Although he is certain that he knows what he saw and heard, and of course he should because he is a doctor, he wants to ensure that everything he felt and heard was not a hallucination, just like what Yangyang keeps insisting.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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