Ancient Egypt

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He points the gun at Nica as well and I start going down the stairs. He quickly goes back to me with a disgusted yet furious face.

"That's it. Slowly." He says calmly but I know it's just an act, my dad told me all about it. Once they've got you where they want you to be, the act disappears.

I made it to the bottom of the stairs and he pushes my head into the wall. There it is. He gets out the handcuffs while keeping my head down.

"I knew there was something off about you,    Y/L/N."

"Fuck you Stan." I say as I try to move around. He was being way too aggressive.

"Your daddy's gonna be so disappointed." He says while throwing me onto the floor with my handcuffs on.

Nica just watched me get arrested after I just said nothing was going to keep us apart. I am keeping that promise. I'll do whatever it takes.

I scoot into a corner and watch as more officers show up. Nica fell asleep on my shoulder. They already patched her up but they just left me like this. One of the nurses from the ambulance let me drink some water but that's the only time they've interacted with me.

"Is that Y/L/N's kid?" One of the other cops say.

"Yeah. Y/N. Pierce's partner in crime." Stan says while slightly laughing.

"That's gonna make an amazing headline."

I start to fall asleep while listening to their conversation. Last thing I heard was "What's the story?" Before I passed out again. Why does it feel like I keep getting drugged?

I woke up in Stan's cop car. I don't know where he was driving me but Nica was here, still asleep. And I was patched up.

"Well, well, well. Looks who's up." I was too tired to deal with him.

"Listen, Y/L/N. You've got a lot of explaining to do. Nobody's believing that doll story."

"We'll see when we get to that."

He continues to drive while looking back at me every 5 seconds. I just kept focusing on Nica.

"Aye. eyes on the road, weirdo." I taunt.

Nica wakes up. She looked confused. Suddenly my attitude disappeared.

"Nica. Hey. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine."

I smile at her as I wait for Stan to say something. He always does.

"You wouldn't think just to look at you two, you could even hurt a fly." I knew exactly what he was about to say next.

"Guess looks can be deceiving, can they." Me and Stan say at the same time.

"Yeah, jeez. Pick a new line dude." My dad used to say that all the time to the people he arrested. Stan ignores my comment and waits for Nica to say something.

"I told you. We didn't kill them." I pay so much attention to Nica you would think I'm writing an essay on her that determines 80% of my grade.

"Oh I heard what you said. That was some story." My body was slowly starting to recover. I was still sore from just waking up but only a little now. I could tell Nica was still pretty tired.

"You know, in Ancient Egypt, the criminally insane weren't executed or incarcerated."

I lean back a little. The stories cops tell to the people in the back are always kinda interesting.

"They were dismembered, so they couldn't hurt anyone. But also so people could see with their own eyes... the monsters that live among us."

I know he's trying to be rude buts that's actually kinda cool. In you know, the history way.

"What was the penalty, in Ancient Egypt, for being an asshole?" Nica says unexpectedly making me burst out laughing.

Since I was the only one laughing I looked crazy but that's alright because he already thinks that.

"Oh you think that's funny huh? We'll see who's laughing when pops finds out about this."

"Well let's just say... my parents are already out of the picture." Considering the fact that I'm being framed for murder I probably shouldn't have said it like that but by the looks of it me and Nica are already going insane.

"I only wish they could send you to a hell even worse than that chair."

"Oh I'll show you a hell even worse than that chair." I say, getting up.

He slams the brakes making me fall back into my seat. Me and Nica know exactly how to play this game so we start laughing maniacally.

He shakes his head and turns on the radio. Nica quiets down so I laugh for a bit more until I stop and rest my head on hers while still smiling and we eventually fall asleep again.

𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝙽𝚒𝚌𝚊 | Nica Pierce x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now