Chapter 1 (Levia Pov)

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I was so close to sneaking out my window when a firm hand was on my shoulder, I knew immediately who it was, "Come on Jax!"
This was ridiculous,I was 22 and had to sneak out my window.

I groaned as my older brother pulled me back in, his hair sat perfectly, I always wondered how he done that, his blue eyes stared into my green ones, I knew a lecture was coming but I wasn't going to let it, I rushed past him, 
Practically slamming the dark wooden door behind me, I was about to go down the stairs when I heard someone speaking, I didn't recognise the voice, weird, usually I knew who was who from their voice, so being as nosy as I am, I sneaked past my room and to the end of the hall, there was a singular room that stood at the end of the hallway, father's study, I always got nervous whenever I stood outside, but I mustered up the courage, leaning against the door,
I immediately took note of three voices
One belonged to my father, one my brother and another I wasn't aware of but it was deep and husky, it sent a shiver down my spine and goosebumps up my arms.

Then suddenly I was on the ground, left side of my face first as the door was suddenly sweeped away from me 

"солнышко (little sun)" I heard my father's voice coo at me,I knew my face was red as I stood up, gulping, a little embarrassed 

"отец" I responded in russian, with a shakey voice, it was then I looked up and spotted what had to have been the most beautiful man I've ever met, he had this wonderful tan to his skin and these piercing blue eyes that pulled me into a trap and i stared at them, his hair with dark black and sat a little messily.
My eyes darted down to his lips which were framed by a dark five o'clock shadow

"Levs, you're staring" My brother proceeded to rudely interrupt my staring with his somewhat squeaky voice as he nudged my side,I hadn't even noticed he was walking out of the room and past me till he'd spoken up

"Sorry" i quickly apologised before looking between my father and the mystery man 

The mystery man just let out a low chuckle as he looked me up and down, his stare didn't stay on me long, it practically flickered on my for a moment then disappeared

"I was just about to introduce you to, Mr Antoine Blaise" My father shot me out of my thoughts as his voice echoed through my ears

"Antoine doesn't sound Russian" I suddenly blurted out, I said this because my father tried his best only to hire Russians

"Ha, that's because it's not" Antoine suddenly spoke up, his voice was almost hypnotising me, his chuckle was music to my ears
"Its French, I'm from France" He flashed me a quick smile, the way he said France and French showed that he held an accent clearly one that was disappearing though 

"Mr Antoine here is going to be your new bodyguard, considering what happened to the last one" my father stared into my soul, I was confused for a minute till I remembered I'd gotten him hit by a car by accident because I was trying to save a stray cat, oh well at least now I had a hunk protecting me

Even if he was good looking though I still didn't like bodyguards so I done a quick eye roll which earned a head shake from my father 

"Mr Antoine will be accompanying you out today" My father stepped closer to me, giving me a side hug 
"Behave" he whispered in my ear before nodding at us both and leaving

Me and Antoine stood there in silence for a long time,I mean like twenty minutes long time

"So Ms Petrov, where is our first location of the day?" Antoine was the first to speak up as he stood even taller, he now stood at at least six foot two

I looked up at him, I want short, I was five foot seven which in my opinion isn't that short, he's just freakishly tall
"Uhm, I have to go to my mother's grave and plant new flowers, then I've got to pick up a present for my father's birthday and then-" 
I began listing my actives for the day which ended with me at a 'friends' house for a study session, which in reality was a party but Antoine didn't need to know that 

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