12 0 0

4 Privet Drive, Surrey

9:30 PM

Sunday, July 1st

Harry had suffered from beating from his uncle Vernon which  was now a common occurrence for him but this time he had gone too far and had broken most of the bones in his body it was a surprise his magic was healing the injuries in seconds but the pain had caused Harry to pass out. The moment Harry had passed out a large explosion had caused the door on the entrance of the house to explode of its hinges unaware about what the situation was Vernon shouted "Identify yourself I am armed"  when nobody replied both Vernon and Petunia came down to see an unconscious  Dudley on the ground this caused Petunia and Vernon to be so shocked that they didn't notice the wand which was pointed at their heads until it was too late and the Dursley family including Dudley was dead.

Dumbledores Office


9:30 PM

Sunday, July 1st

Dumbledore was in an order meeting with his most trusted members which now included Hermione and Ron when a blinding light shined everywhere and had caused Dumbledores own personal ward book to shine red. This caused Albus to panic and immediately told everyone to go to 4 privet drive without any explanation.

4 Privet Drive, Surrey

9:31 PM

Sunday, July 1st

Harry had surprisingly woken up quickly as he felt something was wrong and that's when he heard a loud noise immediately harry went for his wand but it was nowhere to be found until he remembered (Harry was running upstairs to his room with his wand in his hand until somebody grabbed him from his back and took the wand from his hand and threw it on the stairs) reluctantly harry went downstairs to investigate the loud noise only to see his "family" dead on the ground. Harry went to find his wand and saw it on the stairs. Harry went and picked up his wand and in that second there was a crack outside and 12 order members had come in only to see their "Saviour" holding his wand over the dead bodies of the relatives everybody knew harry hated.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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