Welcome To the World Of Magic

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Penitent. Immortal. Beautiful and terrible, yet gentle and taciturn. She was, she is, and she will always be the embodiment of Hope for us all. Transcending time and space to eradicate Witches no matter what cost. It was there, floating in the space between spaces, that Madokami had the peculiar unsettling event of meeting face to face with herself.

Universes parallel with one another, folded upon one another like a crepe rolled in upon itself. Sticking with the comparison, it was one giant cosmic crepe filled with grief, despair, and topped off with wretched suffering. Our Madoka wasn't able to comprehend the concept as of yet, but she would learn.

After all, who can teach you better than yourself?


A girl sat in the darkness, the pages of a thousand books lay around her in a circle, each viciously ripped out of its home and thrown on the floor. Blood was spattered on the floor as well as these piles of paper, and the hands that had committed this crime were dripping wet, the wounds on her fingers and palms still fresh and bleeding.

Her father, condemned as a criminal. Convicted by the authorities of controlling Mundane women with love potions and malicious spells, and then murdering them in cold blood, using magic to wipe away the evidence. He was sentenced to life in the form of Familiar spirit, with no chance of becoming human again.

What was she supposed to do with that disgusting grey dog? He deserved what he got, didn't he?

'No, Papa is innocent!' said a voice deep inside her crumbling mind. 'Papa was always nice. Papa was good, Papa was good.'

The voices of her classmates said otherwise, and that was where the contradictions continued. Her sense of reality twisted beyond recognition, she stopped going to school for she could not face their piercing hateful stares.

Judgment had been passed, so how could they not see she was ignorant of his machinations? That she was...

'Innocent?' said a tiny voice.

Sitting on the gutted books, his self-made halo of light gave the creature's white fur an unearthly glow, and the teenager stood enraptured by its beauty. Why would such a thing visit her? Was it an angel to bring her home? The Incubator's ocean blue eyes were filled with sympathy.

'I could take the pain away,' he offered, 'that is...if you want me to.'

She looked down. He had come to her earlier, but she had refused him twice before. That was before the tragedy that had torn up her family.

All the conditions had been explained, but she had been hesitant because she was content with her life. Blissful in her ignorance.

'I could grant your wish, all you have to do is ask.'

She knew that. She knew ripping out her soul could help take the pain away. Fighting for humanity was fine and all, but she wanted the pain gone more than anything. Even if she didn't choose to fight, she would still be fine, but the prospect of her wishes coming true did take the ends off a little.

"I... I want to know," said the girl, "what the meaning of my life is." She paused for a moment and clenched her fist. "That is...my wish."

Kyūbey lifted his ears and sighed. "I shall grant it then." He closed his eyes and made a shallow respectful nod that she assumed was a bow of apology. "I am sorry for your loss, but you do know of Entropy and our fight against it, so I am relieved that you finally decided to join us."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2015 ⏰

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