The Mystery Of The Stolen Fuel Barge

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The Mystery Of The Stolen Fuel Barge Chp 1

It was a hot summer day in big city port. Everyone and everything was working hard from man to crane to ship. As the sun got hotter and hotter the star tugs were worn out by the blistering heat of the sun. " My word this sun is reached" said Top Hat. " Well it's not like it's going to get cooler Top Hat I heard it will be hot all day" Said Ten cents. Then Captain Star, the star tugs manager, came up on the speaker. He told Ten Cents and Sunshine to pick up a fuel barge at Lucky's yard for Lillie lightship for tonight. Lillie Lightship is very important; she helps big ships guide their way through the fog by her big shiny light. So Ten cents and Sunshine went to pick up the fuel barge. As they got to Lucky's yard they notice that the fuel barge that they were supposed to pick up is gone! " What!?" Said Ten cents " Wheres the fuel barge?" Said Sunshine. The 2 switchers knew something was not right so they told Captain Star then Captain Star Radio  BlueBellTW and her friends to come help solve the case of the missing fuel barge. To Be Continued...

The Mystery Of The Stolen Fuel Barge Chp 2

As Ten cents and Sunshine waited for Bell and her friends to arrive. Big Mac looked out of the distance and saw something. "Look up ahead lads" Said Big Mac. The three Tugs saw the Mecha Dragon Knight as the big Alabama ship sailed into the big city port. From the top of the mighty big ship they saw BlueBell in Worgen form as she gazed at the Tugs. Also she has one of her friends and also the leader of the draenei is Velen Prophet. Ten cents and Sunshine and Big Mac were relieved that BlueBell and her friends came to help. "So what seems to be the problem Ten cents and Sunshine?" Bell said in a curiosus way. "We already know that Captain star wanted us here for a reason but what in the light could it be?" Said Velen Prophet. As Ten cents and Sunshine told BlueBell, Prophet and Big Mac Everything. Bell Decided to split up into teams to figure out where the fuel barge went. Also, to look for clues. Bell and Velen went with Sunshine and Tencents and Big Mac Stayed near the mecha dragon knight to keep guard. So they went in different directions to find the fuel barge. To Be Continued.... 

The Mystery Of The Stolen Fuel Barge Chp 3

As Bell and Velen sailed with Ten Cents and Sunshine a little mist came down on the port. "Wow who knew the mist would come down I thought it was supposed to be sunny all day today doesn't it seem a little strange to you ?" Bell said. As they looked for the fuel barge they heard a splash and a growl. "What was that?!" Said Ten Cents and Sunshine. Then they heard it again that's when Velen noticed something swimming in the misty canal. " What in the light is that!?" Said Velen in shock. As they peered into the murky canal the thing was gone. Then they heard a loud scream it sounded like it came from Lucky's yard. As they got to the yard it was very spooky in the fog. Then all of a sudden something jump on the deck of Ten cents. As it stood up Bell recognized the big eyes. "Murky?" she said. He gazed up at Bell and pounced on Her and gave a hug. It was Murky the friendly Murloc he was still a baby back then. Bell introduced Murky to her friends then they asked him questions about what happened in the fog. "He said he was out hunting for food then all of a sudden a giant fish came up from the surface and took metal parts from lucky's yard and dove back into the depths and that's all he remembers." she said. We were all in shock. What did this big fish look like Murky?" said Ten Cents. "Arrrg harrg parrg harg argg gaarghh rrrghga" Said Murky. Then Bell translated what he said. "He says it had steel plated scales and bumps from the back to the head and it had a mouthpiece in its mouth it looked like it was sucking up slieva from inside and that's all he remember what the thing looked liked." She said. " Ohh poor creature he should not have been scared like that." Said Velen as he was petting Murky. We got to stop who or what is doing this and find that missing fuel barge. To be Continued....      

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2021 ⏰

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