She's Finally done

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Diamond: Jatoree ass finally got out the shower. Now that she was out Keisha poor ass could finally ask her. I called Ja'toree down stairs and when she got to the bottom of the stairs she said what up and when i looked up and seen what she had she almost brought me down to my knees. Ja'toree had on some shorts that said kiss me in the front and the back and she had on this lil half way shirt. I could barely respond so Keisha ass did. Keisha asked her could she stay with us for a while and Ja'toree's mean ass asked why the fuck did she need to stay her when she act like she was more then everybody Keisha responded she told her about everything and Ja'toree looked at me then her and said yeah but if she crossed her the wrong way her ass was gone get got and that was a promise not a threat. Good thing we had a 4 bed room so that her ass wouldn't have to sleep with me.

Keisha: I cant believe Ja'toree told me yeah that i could live with them. I was happy and thankful Hopefully one of these bitches would let me use there care so that i could go get my shit and find me a job. My parents didnt put me out i just wanted to try to get back with Diamond fine ass. ja'toree was bad dont get me wrong but she was just dark skinned and she wasnt my type. She liked being in control and so did i so I knew that wasnt going to work between us and plus she wasn't in to girls otherwise i believer her Diamond would've been together. I happy she's not otherwise i would have a lot of competition

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