Perseus Jackson

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Percy POV

Sweat dripped down from my forehead.

The blood flowed down.

I wanted to give up but I knew I couldn't, I had a responsibility.

No matter how many monsters we killed more came our way.

I thought about why I was even here when I should be fighting Gaea. The gods wanted me to be in New York to save an ambush on Olympus.

I was fighting the monsters as fast as I could but then I heard it.

A roar

I turned

Only to see my mother about to be killed during the rampage of the monsters. I saw her about to die with Paul. She turned towards me and our eyes connected and understanding passed through us. 

I tried throwing my sword while running but I was too late. She made me promise to always be HER hero and then she took her last breath in my arms, dying from her wounds. My scream was so loud, the rivers responded to my rage, swirling waves started forming.

A wave, higher then the Empire State Building formed which I let go of the monsters killing all of them instantly.

But then I felt nothing, I had nothing, I was nothing and am nothing without my mother.

I fell to the ground in despair.

My thought returned to a certain god-forsaken Primordial, Gaea.

It was all her fault

My sadness

My grief

it turned into a pure rage even worse than before.


I burst into a billion molecules speeding towards Gaea.

Athena POV

I was fighting Enceladus. From the corner of my eye, I could see Father fighting Porphyrion. I looked around to check my children. I could see most of them fighting the infinite amount of monsters. Malcolm was helping me fight Enceladus. Annabeth and the seven aside from Perseus were fighting the raging monsters.

I was distracted when I surveyed my surroundings. Enceladus managed to land a hit causing me to fall. Black spots appeared in my vision, I could see Malcolm trying to defend me but it was a one-sided battle. I saw Malcolm getting knocked out just as I fell unconscious.

I woke up and tried to move my arms and legs only to see them tied up. I looked around to see everyone, gods and demigods, tied up aside from the six who were fighting.

The battle wasn't going well but they were our only hope.

The battle was going badly as the giants couldn't be killed by them. I scanned the surroundings and noticed father concentrating and it was then that I noticed that the sky was darkening. Slowly the others noticed as the thunder rumbled intensely. 

With the last bit of strength he had, father aimed a blast stronger then ever straight towards Jason's sword who plunged the sword in Poryphrion. As the giant king fell the allies were renewed with confidence. As each god used the last of their strength, sending it to their child finally killing of the giants.

Success was near but Athena remained vigilant, her mind overworking itself. Where was Gaea?

Her question was answered rather quickly as Gaea burst from the ground, it was then that all saw what Gaea looked like. Her face green, one could mistake as beautiful until you see the menacing scowl. Her stare felt like the very earth was against you. 

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