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               PRINCESS AS ODET

|Black Magic University|
Mrs Shadow -Hi Tihello , she smirks , walking towards Mr Shadow.
"Opera what are you doing here" ?
"I want you back husband ...we never finalized the divorce,but I've doing some thinking and I want to rekindle our relationship ...I miss you husband
"I don't know what to say..I miss you too , I was hoping you come back to me ...l
She walks closer to Mr Shadow, their both face to face.She slowly leans in to kiss him , he kisses her back.
Mr S-Odet is gonna be so thrilled to see you
Mrs S-Where is our daughter anyways ?
"she's probably busy with her husband"
"well I would like to congratulate her , she's finally the queen"
"Yes & that means  she's fully in control of her powers and she's stronger , she's almost on our level ..or maybe stronger because she of youth "Yes of youth" , she smirks
A warlock gasps and yells for help as he sees a dead witch laying on the ground.
"Help" !!' Helppppp " !!
Two witch professors run out the room , they gasps and immediately runs for help.Drusilla and Sanity gasps as they seen the dead witch , they run to the scene.
"Omg what happened" ? Drusilla asked
"Idk , I just found her here"! The warlock reply's
"Her neck is slit ...who could have did that" ? Sanity asks
"Idk , but there's a murderer on this campus" the warlock says
"We need to warn our friends" Drusilla says
|Odets Dorm Room|

Odet and Sorcery was in the bed kissing and feeling up on each other bodies.
Sorcery-I'm so in love with you Odet
Odet-I'm so In love with you too Sorcery
Sorcery-I love you so much my little witch baby
Odet giggles and kisses his lips.
Odet-I love you my big Warlock baby
They both chuckles and kisses again.
Sorcery kisses her neck and rubs in between her inner thighs.She gets wetter and wetter , both undresses each other , Odet lays down , Sorcery gets on top of her , he slangs out his dick , opening her legs and entering her , she moans in pleasure , he begin to stroke like nobody's business.Odet moans and moans.
Odet-Yes yes yes yes !
Sorcery-yeah baby you like this big warlock dick don't you ?
he strokes faster
Odet-YES YES !
Suddenly their was a sudden knock on the door , they both jumps and swooshes their clothing on.
Sorcery-who is it ?!
Sanity-it's me and Drusilla !! Open the door , its an emergency!!
Odet swooshes the door open by itself.Sanity and Drusilla runs in hysterically.
Odet and Sorcery glares at them.
Odet-What in the heaven is going on ?!
Sanity-a witch was found dead in the hallway !
Drusilla-her neck was split , blood was everywhere!
Odet and Sorcery gasps and glances at each other,
Odet-omg what ?!
Sorcery-if She was murdered...that means another witch or warlock killed her ...which is against the rules !
Odet-Is my dad notified ?!
Drusilla-were not sure , but maybe by now
Sorcery-come on let's go to the lobby , we gotta figure this out !
They all magically swooshed away to the lobby.
Quest,Lucifena,Navi, and Devile was already in the lobby.
Lucifena-omg have y'all heard ?!
Odet-Yes I've been informed about the death of Witch Mary Anne
Navi-Queen Odet what should we do
DeVile -theirs a killer on campus ...nobody is safe
Odet-Because this is serious and crucial Navi and Lucifena I will restore your powers ....your gonna need it for protection
Navi and Lucifena gasp and jumps up an down with excitement.
Navi-Thank you Thank you !!
Lucifena-we can't thank you enough !
Odet-mhm , I'm big on discipline....but because I'm the Queen my job is to protect my coven ...and that is what I'm gonna do ...
She glares at everyone
Sorcery-and I'm now the King of the coven , and my job is to protect as well , we have to keep this place in order ...we have to figure out what's going on here ...
Mr S and Mrs S walks in with smiles.
Odet-mother !
Odet runs to her .
"Odet ! My beautiful Witch" !
They both hugs tightly.
Odet-I missed you mother
"I missed you too my daughter , and congratulations on your marriage , she glances at Sorcery
Sorcery smiles and hugs her.
"what a handsome young warlock ...she smirks and glares at him
Odet grins
Odet-father have you not heard about Mary Anne ?
She glares and glances at Mr Shadow
Mrs S speaks before Me S speaks.
"Yes as soon as we were informed we came immediately" She says
Odet-theirs a witch or warlock murderer on the loose and we need to find out who it is and stop them ...
"of course Odet , you and your husband are the official queen & king now , your Jobs are to protect the coven
Odet-of course father , that's what we will do
Sorcery-we will make sure we protect this coven
Mr S nods.
I will be holding a dinner tonight for your mother at 8pm , be ready
Mrs S smiles.
Everyone nods.
Odet-we will be their
Mr S nods,he and Mrs S walks away.
Mrs S looks back and smirks at Odet, then turns around.
"Did you see that" ? Odet asks
"See what babe" ? Sorcery asks
"The way my mother looked at me" Odet says
"I didn't see anything babe" Sorcery says
Odet glares at her mother.
Navi was on his way to class , a witch accidentally bumps into him.Her books fall to the ground.
Omg I'm so sorry ! The witch says
"It's okay , he chuckles, lemme help you with that"
Thanks , she smiles.
"I'm Navi" he says, picking up her books.
"I'm Omen" she says with a smile.
"Nice to meet you Omen, your new here " ?
"Yes , im a little lost finding my first hour ...could you help me" ? She asks
"Sure, where you headed" ? he says with a smile.
"Mixing potion class" she says with a smile
"Cool , I had that last semester, but it's upstairs, room 400" he says
Lucifena glares with a frown around the corner.She glares at Omen as she and Navi walks upstairs together.
Odet,Drusilla,Sanity,Quest and Devile was in class.3 new students walks in.
"Welcome welcome new students , everyone these are transfer students , plz introduce yourselves" the professor witch says with a smile .
"Hiii I'm Sugar" !
She was a super bubbly witch
"Whatever ...I mean hi...I'm Venom"
He was mean and nonchalant
"Uuuuh..hhhhi..I'm mmmoonlight"
He didn't actually stutter , he was just super shy.
Sugar runs towards Odet." Hiiii Queen Odet...I cant believe I'm in a class with you , omg I love your dress , your so pretty , where did you get your boots from ? She giggles uncontrollably.
Odet smiles and glances at Sanity and Drusilla.They glances back.
Odet-Slow down sweetie , I'm very flattered, nice to meet you and welcome to Black Magic university...
Sugar-thank you so much ! She giggles uncontrollably.
Drusilla-I see why your name Sugar ...she laughs
Sugar Giggles uncontrollably , she snorts.
Venom sits down at his seat , he magically swooshes a pencil in his hand.He glances at Odet and her friends , they glares at him back.He looks away.
Sugar tries to levitate her notebook in the air , and it falls to the floor
"Still practicing huh" ? Odet says
"Unfortunately yes" witches and warlocks at my old school used to make fun of me and say I'm a slow learner ...Sugar says
"Don't listen to them , it's okay that your still practicing, it took me some time to learn levitation too" Odet says
"Really" ? Sugar asks
"Hell Yeah" Odet says
"It took me some time too" Sanity says
Sugar smiles.
"Thanks for walking me to class Navi" Omen says with a smile
Navi-Np , he smiles
Omen-will I see you around ?
Navi-uhh maybe idk ..
Omen-what are you doing after class ?
Lucifena walks up.
Lucifena-He will be with me , she seizes Omen
Omen-oh hi ! She smiles
Lucifena holds Navi hands.
Lucifena-I'm Lucifena and this is my boyfriend
Navi-oh Luci , this is Omen she's new here , she needed help finding her class
Lucifena-idc ! She can find it herself !
Omen frowns.
Navi-Lucifena don't be like that
Omen-I'm sorry...I have to get to class
Lucifena-Yes plz go !
Lucifena swooshes a magical lighting bolt towards Omen back , she turns around and catches it with her fists
Lucifena and Navi gasps and glares.Omen glares back at Lucifena and walks away to her class,
Lucifena looks at Navi.
Lucifena-how did she do that ?
Navi-I have no idea , but that's ...weird
Lucifena-very weird ...because no witch or warlock has ever caught a scare bolt ...their suppose to scare you , your not even suppose to know it's coming
Navi-idk what's up with that Luci...let's just get to class
Lucifena sighs and nods.
They both walks away to class.
Mrs S hands Mr S was having themselves a glass  of black whine.
Mrs  S-here baby
He takes the whine
thank you Dear
They both clink glasses and drinks.
"my favorite whine", he sips it
she smiles and smirks at him as she takes another sip of the whine.
Caroline and Tyrone was kissing in Caroline's dorm room.
Caroline-wait stop
Tyrone-what's wrong baby ?
Caroline-something isn't right
"what do you mean " ? He asked
Caroline-Idk...its just I feel like something crazy happened a year ago, but I just can't remember...
"you know it's funny because I've been getting the same feeling "
Caroline-I don't understand why I can't remember anything's like everything is such a blur
"Yeah my mind feel super cloudy ...0
Caroline begin to have flashbacks of Yaya and Timmy getting killed.She sees Odet and her witch and warlock friends.She sees Odet wiping her and Tys memory.She gasps and cries , falling on her knees to the floor.
Caroline-oh Ty  !
"what ?! Do you remember something" ?!
Caroline-I remember what happened ...I know it was last year , but I keep having these memories that keeps popping my head ....their was witches and warlocks at our school , they killed our friends because they needed our souls ...they almost took ours but they spared our lives and wiped our memory's !!
"oh my God ...I think I'm remembering now too "
He begin to have the same flashbacks
Caroline-Ty ...we need to find them ..
"why do you want to find them"?!
Caroline-Well because their witches and Warlocks aka they have powers ...I was thinking maybe they might know a spell to bring our friends back ...
"like what from the dead ?! thats  insane Carol ! I mean do you hear yourself right now ?!
Caroline-I mean it's worth a try !
"but why do you think they even needed human souls ? Wouldn't it forfeit the purpose"
Caroline-maybe and maybe not ...I mean don't you want our friends back ?!
"I do ...but not back from the dead ...that's too creepy" !
Caroline-well I want our friends back & regardless..and I'm gonna find those witches and warlocks regardless with or without your help
She glares at him.
He sighs deeply.
Okay fine ...but we're gonna need some extra help and I might just know a couple of people
He smirks at Caroline.She smirks back.
           Sugar walks out the classroom with Odet,Drusilla and Sanity.
Sugar-so are we like friends now ?
Odet-of course !
Sugar-omg I can't believe I'm best friends with the Princess !
Odet smiles.
Moonlight walks with them.
Moonlight-HHHii Qqqqqueeeen  Ooodet
Odet-Hey Moonlight , she smiles
Moonlight smiles.
Odet-theirs a dinner being held for my mother tonight you and Sugar should come ?
Sugar-ooh I love dinner parties!
Moonlight-iii would love to come , he smiles
Venom passes by.
Drusilla-Venom !
He looks back
Venom-Ya? He frowns.
Drusilla-yo what's your deal ? I was just trying to be friendly
Venom-im not here to make friends
Sanity-but it's school
He walks away
Sanity and Drusilla glances and frowns at each other.
Odet laughs.
Odet-we will break his ass , he's gonna be our bestie by the end of the night
Drusilla-yeah right
She grins.
Quest-that warlock has a entire stick up his rump
Quest and Devile laughs and walks away.
                 |Mrs Shadows Dinner Party|
Everyone gathered around the table.Caters sat everyone plates down and poured everyone some black whine.
Me S coughs.
Odet glances at him.
Odet-are you okay father ? She frowns
"Yes Odet , I am fine" , he grins
Mrs S-your father was feeling a little under the wether , it's probably just a slight bug , I'll have to get him some medicine
Odet-I hope you feel better Father
Mr S-thank you Odet
Sorcery sits next to Odet , he smacks Odet on the lips
Sugar and Moonlight walks in.
Sugar-Hiiiiii ! She giggles uncontrollably
Everyone looks at her.Lucifena seizes her , she whispers to Navi.
Lucifena-who is that new witch and why is she full of energy?
Navi laughs. Navi-I have no idea
Odet-Everyone this is Sugar and Moonlight
Everyone says hello and hugs Sugar and Moonlight
Moonlight-hhhh hello everyone
Odet-y'all bare with Moonlight, he shy
Mrs S-oh you don't have to be shy sweetie , come here , she hugs Moonlight, she blows some black dust in his mouth , but nobody seen.
Mrs S-welcome to Black Magic sweetie
Moonlight-ttthank you , he smiles
She smirks and sits down
Omen walks in.
Lucifena frowns and seizes her.
Lucifena-What the hell is she doing here ?
Omen glares at Navi and smiles .Everyone looks at her.
Omen-Hi , she waves
Navi-Hi omen , glad you can make it !
"Who invited her" ?! Lucifena says
"Me" Navi says wit a grin
Lucifena-why did you invite her ??
Navi-Be nice ...he nudges her.
Omen walks up to him and hugs Navi .
Lucifena-get off of him
Navi-Don't start this here Lucifena
Lucifena snatches her head away and sits back down.
Omen smirks at Lucifena.
Omen-Thanks for inviting me Navi
She sits on the other side of the table , facing Navi .Lucifena makes the chair fall backwards & Omen falls out the seat.
"AH" ! She shouts
Lucifena laughs.
"I know you did that on purpose you witch" ! She scolds
"I did no such thing" !
"Yes you did" !
Omen makes Lucifena fork fly away
"Bitch" !!
"Ladies stop & act like you got some sense" ! Mrs Shadow says
"Sorry Mrs Shadow" Lucifena said
"Sorry Mrs Shadow" Omen said
Lucifena& Omen was peering at each other so evilly.

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