scenario: dreamies meeting her brothers | pt.four [final]

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The time has come for the twins' departure to their own schedules.

"It was nice meeting all of you. I'm glad to find out our Omi's with you bunch." André says, complimenting the boys and rubs his sister's head.

Eugene nods in agreement. "Everything seems to be going well and I hope it stays that way. Even if troubles and disputes come, I wish that you'll all be able to still hold hands."

The unreadable twin then, shifts his eyes between the 00' liners and ChenJi- smiling ambiguously at the clueless six before at Mark.
"Thanks for being such a great brother and guardian for them. You're a really nice person."

Mark smiles bashfully, cheekbones protruding. "Um, thanks. I don't really have to do much, actually. We just take our teamwork seriously."

"Love the spirit of this lot," André adds in a comment and Eugene pats Naomi's crown- fixing her hair that André messed up before before the twins walk out the door.

"Your brothers are really nice. Scary, at times. But, really great," Chenle says to Naomi.

"Most would say they're charmers," Naomi laughs out. "But then, that's because they don't have to act 'protective.'"

Mark smiles at her. "I can see looks run in the family."

"But, height doesn't," Donghyuck teases playfully and she squares up. "I've got permission from your brother already so, give all you got."

"Nooo, our Omi is too precious," Jaemin stops her from fighting and so she and Hyuck shoot daggers with their eyes- battling with their eyes and expressions.

Renjun thinks back to their meeting with the brothers. "They were like polar opposites with each other."

"It has been like that since school. One would be the famous athlete and basketball player while the other's the poetic, book smart prince. Guess which is which?" Naomi asks and they shrug with a chuckle despite the obviousness of the answer.

She slips out from Jaemin's hold. "I'm gonna go have a social battery recharge in my room. See you guys at dinner."

The girl retreats to her bedroom as well as the others to their own and they, as usual, indulge themselves in their own free time.

Knock, knock.

Naomi hears knocks on her door. "Who is it?"

"Lee Haechan~"

She permits entrance and he gasps at the white mask on her face.

"I get that it's spooky season but, this isn't the time yet," Haechan jokes and closes the door.

She shrugs and picks up a mask packet. "You want too?"

The other stares at her before at the mask then, back at her, honestly, excited that she offered. "Yeah."

He lies comfortably on her bed with a pillow put in the perfect spot behind his neck and head- practically spoiled with relaxation due to Omi's love for dolling up others.

The cold mask is applied gently on his face with her warm fingers before she tugs it here and there and neatens it down to his face.

"All done! We're matching now," Naomi comments while wiping off her hands on a wet cloth.
"Let's take photo so I can post this on my SNS story.

Haechan opens his eyes and makes facial poses with her as she takes the pictures.

"Are your brothers always protective like that?" He asks as they engulf themselves in tranquility beside one another while waiting for the time to take off the masks.

"Nope," she replies in a muffle to not move the mask too much.

He unknowingly lets out a sigh in relief.

"Usually, they're worse."

The relief instantly flutters away. "What?"

"But since I told them how nice you guys are and how I practically grew up together with you, they seem to tone it down a bit," Naomi tells. "Boys in my school were so afraid of them whenever we're together. Because, they'd just tower over everyone with this 'scary' look and vibe others say.
"But don't worry, they never go extreme. Eugene just has a theatrical heart."

Haechan plays with the creases of his shirt. "What if when you wanted to be in a relationship?"

"I wasn't interested in any and before I even could be, I started training here," she says.

The other starts straightening out the folds of his clothing as more time passes.

A thought surfaces and he laughs suddenly. "Imagine if we dated. They'd probably lose their heads."

Strangely, she doesn't respond after.

"Omi. Yah, Omi-yah," he calls and turns to see her passed out with her mask practically sliding off her face.

He exhales through his nose while a small smile stretches- reaching out his hand to gently fix her mask back on.
"Before they lose their heads, you'd probably lose yours first if I ask you out, won't you?"

Naomi snores and he instantly takes out his phone to film. "I'm gonna expose this on Haechan Radio."

He snickers mischievously at the idea of getting revenge from when she exposed him with a funny picture last time.

omi°nct's c̶l̶o̶w̶n̶ princess pt.IIWhere stories live. Discover now