day one || books

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It was comfortable, predictable. Keiji was always prone to falling into one.

He woke up at 6am to the same alarm each morning. He turned it off. He put on his glasses. He showered, got dressed and pulled on the same mocha-brown blazer on his way out. He turned the familiar corner from his apartment towards the library. He stopped off at the café opposite and ordered the same black coffee with vanilla syrup every day. They knew his order by now. Some days he ordered a muffin. Today was not one of those days.

He'd leave the café and cross the same street to the same library he'd visited every other day even before he worked there. He'd stop for a second as he opened the door to appreciate the scent of books and ink, then walk towards the back where he'd leave his jacket and black satchel on the wooden chair, taking a minute to finish his coffee.

It was a simple routine, one that he's perfected for a year now. It got repetitive, sure, but he was used to it.

Keiji realised, though, that routine often destroyed his passion for life. He was rarely excited - unless his nose was buried in a new, unread book, hidden from reality. He wasn't sad, but wasn't exactly happy either. He didn't really feel anything.

That would soon change.

Keiji was sorting through the poetry books on the shelves tucked in the corner of the library. This section of the building was often deserted, no one was really too interested in poetry. It was Keiji's personal favourite, he used to enjoy writing his own but recently lost any inspiration or motivation so opted for just reading and rereading his favourites when he had the chance. He was separating a few fantasy books that were misplaced there when he heard a powerful voice from the entrance that immediately stole his attention.

"Kur oooo , why did you have to take me here ?!" the loud voice whined.

"Bro, you know we have to grab a book for this project. It won't take long. Just... go look at the books at the back or something," a different voice - Kuroo, it seemed - replied.

The louder one continued to whine as Keiji listened with his back turned, pointedly scanning the shelves for any more misplaced books. He kept rearranging and organising each shelf, eventually losing himself to his thoughts and the distant conversation he was now using as white noise.

"Um... Hello?"

Keiji managed to drop three books from his arms as the loud voice from earlier greeted him from behind.

" Crap." he muttered, flushing as he bent down to pick up the books.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to startle you! I did try to approach fairly loudly but you seemed to be spaced out,"

Keiji looked up after he salvaged the books from his feet and felt his cheeks burn even more.

The voice belonged to a slightly older man who's silver hair was streaked with black and had huge bicep muscles and broad shoulders that threatened to permanently stretch his shirt. His golden eyes (paired with the hair strinklingly resembled an owl, much to Keiji's amusement) were wide and trained on watching Keiji's expression, which tried to remain neutral. This was proven difficult as he stared at the tall stranger longer, noticing his blinding smile that was slightly apologetic from scaring him. Keiji felt himself soften upon seeing the smile; bright, open, honest - wide enough to crinkle the sides of his eyes slightly. Keiji wondered how someone so built and strong looking could appear so soft and... adorable.

He realised he had been staring too long as the taller man's expression began to appear confused.

"H-hello. Is there anything I can help you with?" He flushed again, inwardly cursing himself for stuttering.

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