day two || northern lights

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The routine Keiji had carefully perfected shifted under the weight of meeting Bokuto, but he found himself not minding one bit.

Keiji had learnt many things about the golden eyed boy that currently stood beside him in the café opposite the library.

He learnt that the man genuinely wore his heart on his sleeve - his honesty his most endearing quality - making compliments ten times more powerful with the knowledge that Bokuto had no other intention other than to make you feel good. He learnt that when the silver haired boy was upset, he'd let everyone know. When he was happy, he'd shout it to the world. But despite his loud exterior, he was a freaking good listener.

Bokuto always hung onto every word Keiji said, knowing exactly when to respond and even encouraged him when he noticed Keiji got insecure. It made him feel valid. Keiji wasn't used to sharing so much but something about the man enticed him to learn more about him and in turn, he allowed himself to be slightly vulnerable.

It's been a week since Kuroo ran back to give Keiji Bokuto's number, but damn if it wasn't the most exciting one of his life. The pair had had slightly conflicting schedules for the last 7 days, but they managed to find some time where Bokuto wasn't at volleyball practise (his profession explaining the god-like muscles on this man) and where Keiji wasn't in class or working.

"And he'll have a black coffee with vanilla syrup!" Bokuto announces proudly to the barista. Keiji blushed as Bokuto recited his favourite drink.

"The usual then, Akaashi?" Konoha asked with a smile. They had become acquaintances with how often Keiji came here.

"Yes please, Konoha-san."

He promptly made their drinks - a caramel mocha for Bokuto - and handed them to the pair with a smirk.

"Enjoy your date!"

Bokuto held the door open for Keiji with his free hand as Keiji's face burned at the comment. He directed a small smile to Bokuto as he exited, swearing he could see his cheeks dusted pink too.

The pair crossed the street sipping their drinks in comfortable silence to reach the library. Keiji rarely went here when he wasn't working so it was odd for him to not worry about disorganised books or check updates on the system. He moved to the side to allow Bokuto to lead the way; he wandered through the aisles glancing at the crime and fantasy section. His eyes darted taking in different covers and titles, occasionally stopping to pick one up and examine it. Keiji did a similar thing, but couldn't help himself when he found a crime book in the sci-fi section - he had to correct it.

"So, 'Kaashi, as much as I adore staring at books in silence," Keiji giggled slightly, "I just have to ask, you got any recommendations?"

"That depends, Bokuto-san. Do you want something different from last time?"

"I want to read something that means a lot to you,"

Bokuto never failed to take the air from Keiji's lungs. He sort of stared blankly at the handsome man before turning around to hide his blazing red cheeks, pondering his personal request.

Then it hit him.

Keiji felt a little giddy leading Bokuto down the romance section. He realised the book that came to mind was one he had read fairly recently. It hadn't left his mind since he came across the powerful volume. It was the last paragraph that had carved a hole of appreciation in his heart. The poet in him screamed at the words;

Some people are like the northern lights, they have their moments that are brilliant and stunning but usually I find that they are hidden away. And trust me when I say they should be seen much more.

Recollecting the way he felt reading the beautiful sentiment, he registered that this was how he felt about Bokuto. He was a force to be reckoned with - his boisterous personality clashing with multiple adorable quirks that made up Bokuto . His endearing expressions, his caring nature... people didn't appreciate any of it enough, only taking one glance and deciding that he's 'too loud'. Keiji just couldn't imagine not wanting to get to know the silver haired man better.

"This book reminds me of you," Keiji blushed slightly before continuing, "Well, uh, the last sentence anyway. It's a book that I have only fallen in love with recently - the author is fairly new and she is completely unheard of but her words are inspiring to say the least," Keiji explained, picking up the navy book from a high shelf.

Bokuto took the book from Keiji with wide eyes and the biggest smile on his face, practically vibrating from excitement. His eyes studied the back cover, unblinking.

"Thank you, Akaashi! I can't wait to read it!" He shouted, forgetting momentarily that he was in a library. Keiji just smiled fondly, relieved that he was interested in his choice. It wasn't long before Bokuto had bounded towards the counter, bouncing on the spot as it was scanned and handed back to him.

"Can I take you somewhere?" Bokuto asked as they exited the library.

Bokuto barely gave Keiji the chance to nod before he slid his hand under Keiji's arm, clinging and dragging him to his desired destination. The contact made Keiji's stomach fill with butterflies as he allowed himself to be pulled by the stronger man.

Eventually, they turned a corner and Bokuto seemed to slow down a little as they neared a gate to a park. Keiji took a moment to take in his surroundings.

Overgrown bushes with flowers blooming on them surrounded a concrete path leading to a gorgeous lake. The water was covered with fallen blossoms but the clouds and trees were still clearly visible in the reflection. The trees themselves were huge; spring evident on the pink petals that engulfed it's branches. The park was pretty empty save for a couple having a picnic in the distance and a kind looking woman reading on a bench in the shade. Keiji couldn't really believe how beautiful this place was and how he never thought to come here.

He was almost too distracted by the scene to notice Bokuto's warm fingers lacing his own. Almost. Bokuto squeezed slightly as if to ask if this was okay, and Keiji hesitantly squeezed back. He focused his attention on the hand interlocked with his own, a strong grip and slightly rough texture, both reminders of Bokuto's impressive profession and passion. His eyes traced up the taller man's muscular arms eventually to his soft, golden eyes that were creased by his unforgiving smile. Keiji couldn't help but smile back - anyone who didn't would be a psychopath.

Bokuto led them to the edge of the lake where they stood for a moment to appreciate ducks circling the water and the spring breeze in their hair. It was almost freeing, the entire experience. Keiji felt himself cling tighter to Bokuto's hand in an attempt to hold onto this moment forever. It practically felt unreal, the only reminders of reality being the burning embarrassment in his cheeks from the hand holding and the cold numbness in his toes. None of that could ruin a moment quite like this though.

Bokuto reciprocated the tighter grip in his hand by inching closer to Keiji, the warmth of his body fueling Keiji's panic. He willed the burning in his face to calm but any attempt was futile as Bokuto turned to place a kiss on Keiji's cheek. He was pretty sure he short-circuited then.

"Um, 'Kaashi? I wanted to thank you for the book recommendation! I can't wait to read it and talk about it with you," Bokuto broke the silence and the whirlwind of thoughts that swirled inside Keiji's mind.

"I'm glad, Bokuto-san."

Keiji was still focused on his long fingers entwined with bulkier ones and the imprint left on his cheek. Any composure he tried to keep just crumbled as Bokuto was still pressed to his side, humming at the view in front of them. His other hand held the book tenderly, it's blurb showing under his fingers.

'The Northern Lights painted the sky with stories we hadn't heard yet."

Keiji believed this moment was the beginning of a new, untold story between the two of them.

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