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Breath in

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Breath in... Breath out...

A black-haired child in a floral patterned kimono placed two hands on the opposite side of their face. An image of confusion placed on the pale girls face as she stared into the slow flowing river. "How strange..." mumbled (Y/N) as she tilted her head to the side, her reflection in the water copying the action. "It seems that fate has deemed me a failure at humanity."

Her crimson eyes moved towards the full moon in the sky, placed among the stars. "I wonder what differences this world has..." A single geta* stepped forward as (Y/N) began to move away from the rivers edge. "The scent of blood..." hummed (Y/N) as she went to search for the source. Where there was blood there would be violence, where there was violence there would be humans and so fourth.

The black-haired girl almost wanted to laugh. It was strange to immediately thrust into conflict in this strange yet similar world. Nonetheless, the situation wasn't unwelcomed by (Y/N).

Small footsteps trekked through the unknown forest as (Y/N) used her sense of smell to track down the blood. The closer (Y/N) got to the scene the stronger the smell of blood. As unusual as it may be the scent of blood comforted the black-haired girl, it reminded (Y/N) of her own world. It also reminded her of the constant bloodshed between humans and demons in her world.

(Y/N) wondered if this world would be the same as hers. Red eyes gleamed with interest as (Y/N) found the source of bloodshed. The wooden floorboards creaked as (Y/N) entered the minka* only stopping at the bloody sight of a man that had been torn to shreds. (Y/N)s nose twitched as she smelt more blood from further inside the minka* so with curiosity in her veins (Y/N) stepped forward to continue on exploring the murder house.

'All their eyes are missing,' thought (Y/N) as she passed three more bodies; one was of a woman while the other two were small children. 'What a waste of life.' (Y/N) pitied the children the most as they didn't get a chance to experience life. "Do you want your grievance avenged?" Asked (Y/N) looking at the bodies of the eyeless children, not expecting them to answer back.

'So demons are in this world,' thought (Y/N) as she stepped into the next room to find the perpetrator of the mini massacre. A pale demon with light pink hair and matching pink eyes. "Oh? What's this?" Questioned the unknown demon with a pleased smile as they stopped eating a human eyeball.

"Is this more flesh to eat, no, wait..." The demon sniffed the air, eyes widening at (Y/N) scent. "You don't smell like a human nor any demon that I've ever met. What are you?" The demon threw the human eyeball to the ground and stood up. "Never mind I've taken a liken to your eyeballs!"

The demon lunged forward trying to rip out (Y/N)s eyeballs. "DUAL BLOOD," hummed (Y/N) as her nails dug into the palm of her hand, drawing blood to create a katana to use against the other demon. The black-haired girl sliced off the other demons arm only to watch as the arm regenerated back.

"How interesting I wonder what else we have in common," whispered (Y/N) as a small grin formed into her face as she deflected an attack for the other demon. A sadistic smile fell onto (Y/N) face a she imagined all the possibilities that the other demon could do. Glowing red eyes appeared in front of the other demon, sending a chill down their spine. "What else can you?"

(Y/N) spent the rest of the night dissecting the other demon, finding out all of the strength and weaknesses of this world demon species. Crimson eyes watched as the demon turned to ash from the sunlight, (Y/N) was almost disappointed at the major weakness. Still, it would be an advantage to her against the so-called demon slayers that would want to kill her just because she was a demon.

Feeling semi-charitable, (Y/N) put the family to rest while also collecting any money and a wagasa* to keep (Y/N)s exposure to the sunlight to a minimum. Who would ever suspect a demon that could walk in the sun? A single karasu* watched the black haired girl leave the household before spreading its wings and flying away.

 Who would ever suspect a demon that could walk in the sun? A single karasu* watched the black haired girl leave the household before spreading its wings and flying away

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ᴊᴀᴘᴀɴᴇs ᴡᴏʀᴅs

Minka* - Traditional Japanese homes

Geta* - Traditional Japanese footwear that resembles flip-flops.

Wagasa* - Oil-paper umbrella

Karasu* - Crow

𝗙𝗟𝗘𝗦𝗛; 𝗬𝗔𝗡𝗗𝗘𝗥𝗘 𝗗𝗘𝗠𝗢𝗡 𝗦𝗟𝗔𝗬𝗘𝗥Where stories live. Discover now