Showdown of the witches

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I set Dani down into Billy's open grave and surround the area with salt. "Alright. You need to stay in there, no matter what. Winnie will want to have your soul first." I explain to her.

Dani hums in understanding and we continue to prepare for the three. "Billy, can you guard Dani? You're the strongest." Billy does my request and keeps Dani company while Max and I prepare for the fight.

"For the last time: prepare to meet thy doom!" Winnie's voice cuts through the tense silence. The three appear and we all begin fight. Max takes a swing at Winnie. "You little pest! I've had enough with you!" She grabs and tosses the bat away with Max. I continue fighting of Mary and Sarah. I toss a handful of salt at Sarah, who the spins out of control.

Winnie then goes after Billy. "Go to Hell!" He tells the woman off. "I've been there, thank you. I find it quite lovely." Winnie remarks witfully. She then swoops down and swiftly knocks off the zombie's head. The head rolls off and Dani forgets the instructions I sternly gave her. She pulls herself out of the grave and chase the head. She grabs the head and hands it to Billy, not yet realizing her mistake . 

Winnie takes a  dive and snatches Dani. "Say bye-bye big brother!" Winnie cackles. I take the opportunity of the distraction and toss a rock to the vial. I hit it right on the nose, which makes Winnie drops it in shock. 

Max dives and snatches the vial. He holds the object over his head. "Put her down, or I'll smash it!" He threatens. "Smash it, and she dies." Winnie shoots back.

Max looks at the vial and back at his sister before popping off the top and downing the contents. 

"Max!" Dani, Binx, and I call out in dismay. "Now you have no choice. You have to take me!" Winnie tosses Dani down and picks up Max.

"Sisters!" She calls. Before Mary could fly up to Winnie, I grab the cord of her transports, holding her back. "Let go, little one!" Sarah demands as she tries to help Mary get out of my hold.

"Max, topple her!" I yell to the boy. Max follows my command and makes Winnie and him fall to the ground. Winnie tries to suck Max's life, until stone began to cover her body. 

Right then, I let go of the cord and send the other two flying. Binx jumps at Mary, but Sarah knocks him to the ground.

Sunlight finally peaks over the horizon, and the two in the air scream before exploding. Once the light hit the statue of Winnie, the statue bursts and destroys all material.

"You saved me." Dani quietly points out. "Well yeah. You're my little sister." Max agrees. "I love you jerk face." Dani cries. "I love you too." Max says as he hugs his sister.

"Yes!" I yell in victory before I feel dizzy. I collapse to the ground as I feel an overwhelming rush comes over me. Max and Dani quickly run up to me and kneel down. "Y/n!" Max call out, grabbing my shoulders. I give a shaky thumbs up. "I'm good! Everything just came back to me." I explain.

I sit up and see Billy walking back to his grave. "Bye Billy! Sorry you had to deal with my sister for so long." Billy waves me off as he's too tired to speak. He lays on his grave, which luckily the surrounding salt was blown away and broke the circle.

"Binx? Where are you?" I ask as I notice my friend was missing. "Look." Max points to the person I'm looking for laying down and not moving. "Thackery?" I ask and slowly make my way to him. I get down and pick him up. I don't feel a heartbeat. Dani starts to cry with me as Max looks away.

"Aw, don't cry. I can't take it when you cry." I snap my head up at the voice and see Thackery himself standing a bit away. "Thackery?" I ask as the boy walks closer to us. "Those three are dead, the curses they casted are lifted." He says happily. Thackery then turns to Max. "Thanks for lighting the candle. For the both of us."

Max smiles in gratefulness. Thackery then hugs me. "And thank you for being there for me all of those years. You've been the best friend I've ever had in three hundred years." I hug him back tightly, already starting to miss him. "Don't let Elijah hear that." I laugh.

Emily Binx walks into my line of vision with a beaming smile. "Thackery Binx, where have you been?" Thackery spins around and rushes up to his sister. "Sorry, Emily. I had to wait three hundred years for a virgin to light a candle." He explains to his sister as he walks away into the opening gates that I just noticed.

"I'm glad he could reunite with his sister. They were very sweet." I say with a big smile. "So you remember everything?" Max asks me with a raised brow. I laugh. "Oh boy. I remember babysitting everyone alive in this town, and a good chunk of them in this cemetery." I then hum. "I don't remember ever doing this, though." I quickly turn my head and peck my lips onto Max's.

His eyes nearly bulge out of his sockets and I chuckle. "I can't believe I've been seventeen for three centuries." Max turns my head to face him again. "Well, how about we try eighteen." He then swoops down and captures my lips in a longer kiss, marking it as my second in all my life.

"Get a room!" Dani butts in, causing me to break the kiss and laugh. "I don't know about you, but I'm tired." Max smirks and leads me with his arm over my shoulder, and holding Dani's hand. "You can sleep at our place. Where do you live, anyway?"

"With Allison. Oh man, wait till she hears all of this." I remark as we leave the area and sleep the day away.

The End

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