3: That can't be it, right?

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Melundo came back after getting the fabrics but he paused for a moment after seeing his master and the chef silent and only staring at the small blob next to Fredo.

The stretched out chubby arms and tiny hands continued to flail around, attempting to reach the strands of silver hair that was dangling in front of it.


The sounds that the baby continued to produce was, for Melundo, out of place.

Seeing the two adults frozen like that made the butler sigh. Why is it that they are frozen stiff like that? He understood that seeing an infant is indeed a heart-stopping event for those who had not experienced the interaction between an infant this young. He also knew that it was an indescribable feeling since he experienced it himself.

But Melundo is a capable butler.

He was trained and the qualities of a perfect butler were hammered to him by the past butlers of the Ejellan family. And he, who had been with Fredo since his master as a young vampire, understood the feeling of anxiety and protectiveness when one saw a small creature like this.

Melundo approached the two and stared at them from the back. The two was completely in trance that he was sure, even if he called out to the two of them right now, it will just fall to deaf ears.

That's why he sighed and looked towards the baby who was flailing its small arms about, trying to reach the silver strands of Fredo's hair. And the butler was certain that these two won't be moving unless he did something towards the subject of their attention.

That's why he picked the flailing baby and brought it to his arms as he skillfully unwrapped the rough material of the baby and replace it with the soft and high-quality material he had. It was done so naturally that Fredo wondered if his butler has a hidden child.

"Hold this, Garret."

Melundo gave the rough cloth to the chef who frowned after receiving it.

"...The kid was wrapped up with this?"

Garret murmured with disdain as he looked back to the baby who's now staying still and staring at the head butler with its half-opened eyes.

He couldn't help but think how could the parents of this small creature throw away their child and didn't even provide at least a bit of comfort when they departed.

'Those rotten bastards...'

Although it's been centuries, his hatred for his parents who had abandoned and sold him out was still deeply rooted in his heart. He loathed persons who abandoned the innocent like this.

"...Have Solena and the other guards report tomorrow and dispatch them to search for the child's parents."

Fredo broke the silence as he stared at the child who now had its eyes closed once again and was steadily breathing and now have a peaceful face while leaning on the butler's touch. It looks comfortable and he should be relieved, but Fredo felt unpleasant for a split second before he brushed it off.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2021 ⏰

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