Bad feeling

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    ~Kanova's POV~
It was evening when I woke.
I felt I was holding something, then I realized I was holding Killua's waist. My face turned million shades of red, and I also saw my legs were entwined with his.
   I quickly distangled myself and got off the bed. I also saw Gon sleeping on the couch, like he said he would.
  I yawned, that sure was a nice nap, I go to the bathroom and wash my face. My face was still a bit red, as I walked out of the bathroom, I looked at Killua wondering if I should wake him and Gon up. But Gon already woke up

Gon: Hey Kanova, you're up
       already? (yawns)
Kanova: Yeah, I feel much
              better now
Gon: (looks at Killua) Was
        Killua that tired? I
         thought he'd be the 1st
         to wake up
Kanova: He really hasn't
             slept for days, so,
             makes sense.
Gon: *Time to find out if she
        truly likes Killua*... Can I
        ask you a question?
Kanova: Sure Gon
Gon: Do you like Killua?

     My face flushed red instantly, I really wasn't expecting that.

Kanova: W-Why would you
              ask that?
Gon: I don't know, it just
        feels so obvious
Kanova: ......
Gon: Don't worry, I won't tell
        anyone, not even Killua.
Kanova: ...Okay fine, I do like
Gon: I knew it!
Kanova: Shh! You'll wake
               him up.
Gon: Sorry. So?
Kanova: What do you mean
          by so?, Don't you know
         that if he finds out, he'll
        never like me a.......
Gon: Not that, I mean why do
        you like him?
Kanova: Oh?, W-Well, he's
              cute and fun, and we
               also have a lot in
             common. Everytime
            I look at him, my
          heart beats so fast, and
          I wish I knew if he felt
          the same. 😔
Gon: I think he does
Kanova: How?
Gon: Well, like when you
        were in the hospital, he
       was really worried, even
       than the rest of us. He
      wouldn't leave your side
      for a minute
Kanova: ..... You really think
             he likes me?
Gon: It's so obvious, so, yes.
Kanova: I'll tell him when
              the time is right.
Gon: *At this rate, it's gonna
        take forever* Okay, if
        you say so. Why don't
        you wake him up, so we
        can all go and get some
Kanova: Okay
Gon: I'll wait for you guys
        outside. (Goes to the
        door) Good luck 😊
    He leaves.....
    (sighs) Okay, here goes nothing. I walk to the bed a bit slowly, to Killua's side. I poked his cheek

Kanova: Killua

    I continued poking him, then started to shake his shoulder violently. Still no answer, but he turned the other way. Gosh! This guy can sleep, is he a deep sleeper or something. I climbed the bed, and crawled beside him, What do I do now?

Kanova: Killua, Killua! Wake
Killua: (opens his eyes
          slowly) What's with all
          the shouting?
    He looked a bit angry
Killua: I hate when people
           wake me up

   He stood up, and pinned me on the bed. I blushed bright red

Killua: Now you're gonna get
           your punishment
Kanova: Wait Killua, I didn't
              mean to

    He leaned his face closer to mine, and kisses me on the cheek. He gets off me and smirked

Killua: I didn't get a chance
            to kiss you back

    My face turned as red as a tomato.

       ~Killua's POV~
I could feel someone shaking me violently, until I heard my name. I opened my eyes and saw it was Kanova. I was a bit pissed, I didn't really like when someone woke me up. So I pinned her on the bed. I told her I didn't like when people woke me up. Instead of doing something mean, I just kissed her on the cheek

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