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She is very beautiful girl.she is joining army
She 30 years old.she is rude.she is best friend of monami she has a child.she is hiding her kid in training academy but monami know her truth.

Special agent sajna dubey
She is rude and special agent of training academy.she is beautiful and charming.she 30 years old.she is best friend of special agent karan and special agent faiz.she is third special agent .she is roommate of monami

Special agent karan shergil
He has very strong heart.he is special agent of training academy and he is first special agent
He has a brother faiz.he called monami as rani saheiba and monami called him kadhoos shergil.he is 31 years old he has a best friend sajna

Monami arora
She is cute charming beautiful and sweet girl
She has two best friends koyel and sidd
She has a dream of to do something in her life
She is roommate of special agent sajna 31 years old she is doctor but she join in army

Sid shankar
He is flirty guy and funny guy.he is best friend of monami and interested in love with sajana
He is 31 years old.he is rich boy and help monami

Special agent faiz shergil
He is very kind and nice guy and help others who is are training and brother of karan and best friend of sajna.he isspecial agent of training academy.he is 31 years old

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