This took too long ohmygosh
"I feel like this is the part where I call you stupid." His co-worker says with a shake of his head.
Jisung almost immediately ignores his words, turning to the other side of the counter to wipe clean.
"They were clearly hitting on you, didn't you notice?"
"No," Jisung manages back with a roll of his eyes, "I don't know what you're talking about."
In truth he did, he knew what the younger male was talking about as he continues to throw away the paper wrapping of the the straws the customers use in to the bigger trash bin at the staff only part of the café. Sunghoon groans at his ignorance almost immediately fiollowing the boy wherever he goes. "The batting of the eyes? the lip bite? Park Jisung tell me you noticed that." They're into you you idiot, goes unsaid but nonetheless the both hear it anyways.
"No I really did not, now are you gonna help me?" In truth Jisung is a hopeless romantic, heart beating erratically at scenes in the random books he used to read at the fiction side of his school library. Or when butterflies would spout in his stomach when he watches romance movies to feed his single and very lonely life. He had a few relationships in the past much like others, his first being a pretty person by the name Mika who moved back to Japan after they graduated, both lasted three months before breaking it off as long distance didn't end up working for the both of them despite the four year relationship they had from freshman to senior year, the last thing he heard from his dear ex was that they had a new lover who was also enby like them. He's honestly happy for the new couple.
Then there was Yeonhee, she was toxic, end of story.
There was his first boyfriend in the second year of college (who made him realize, yeah guys are attractive and I'd rather end up with a guy) who was a British exchange student named Isaac, he was cool and honestly Jisung learned a lot from him but they broke off five months in since he had to moved back to his hometown back in Europe. He was a little upset (he cried a month) when that happened but it was cool. ]
Then his current co-worker/ bestfriend Park Sunghoon. Jisung lost a lot of things to Sunghoon and honestly they were a very good match, many so have said to him. He remembers their dates and they were exactly like what the books described. Kisses under the stars, cuddling under the bed covers just after they wake up i the morning and even cute romantic café dates paired adorable hand holding Instagram posts.
It was a little sad after they broke up two years into the relationship, both realizing the sparks that once were there every time they kissed or made love had disappeared and the once blushing and obvious attraction they had for each other were long gone. It broke Jisung's heart when he first started feeling that way. After two years he just had to start losing feelings when everything was okay. It all worked out in the end though, the two remaining the best of friends after a mutual break up and Sunghoon finding himself a new guy a year after by the name of Jay.

The Wealth Chase | NCT Dream
FanfictionJisung could only gape at the bag he held, though his shock was more likely directed to what's inside of the already expensive looking shopping bag. His co-worker whistles when they see what Jisung was holding, the bright black symbol of the luxury...