Chapter 15

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Kendall POV: as we were running around the castle we ran into something -no someone. Lord Voldemort himself. "aaaah hello son, wondered when I'd being seeing you again.
And you dear, even more beautiful since the last time I saw you," he said cupping my chin. I was scared. Matteo suddenly got brave and snatched his hand away from my face. I wiped my face where his hand had been.

I was disgusted. "Keep your filthy hands away from her." Matteo said boldly. I was proud but also scared. I needed to puke. I ran to the bathroom and puked. I was so dizzy too. I needed to sit down. I sat down and slid my back down the bathroom wall.

There was a pregnancy test box sitting on the sink counter. I figured I might as well make sure I'm not having another. I took 2 like normal. The first one negative. Proves my point. As I waited for the second one I put my name on the back of it and then waited.

Matteo ran in. "You alright baby? My father is gone." He said panting. "What do you mean gone? Where could he've gone to?" I asked starting to panic. "Nobody knows. Hey are you feeling okay?" Matteo asked.

"I'm fine Theo, just anxiety let's go" I said. We held hands and ran through the castle. Curses were being fired everywhere. Matteo suddenly stopped.

"You need to get out of here. I don't give a shit what you want to do, you need to go and stay with your parents and the kids at least until this dies down a little. Please Kendall for all of us" He said. He had hope in his eyes. "Theo I can't I c-can't leave you here!" I said about to cry.

"Baby please!" Matteo yelled. We were silent as I was thinking. A tear dropped down my face. I nodded. "Okay, for all of us" I agreed. He nodded and kissed my forehead. He gave me a port key and I apparated to the cabin where my parents and kids were. I walked in.

My dad was sitting on the couch and turned his head to see me come in. My mom was cooking. Then Ash and Ev came running "MAMA!" Ashton shouted running towards me.

I squated down and held my arms open to recieve my kids. "MOMMY!" Everly yelled. Ash and Ev smashed into my body and hugged me as my dad stood up from the couch and walked towards me.

I stood up and my dad hugged me and my mom came running over hugging me and giving me a kiss on the forehead also. "What brings you home dear?" My mom asks. "Matteo says it's too dangerous right now" I said.

"Good man" my dad said making me smile. All 5 of us were in a group hug. Then Everly said "mommy? Why your tummy making noises?" I felt my stomach and felt a little bump.

"What the hell?" I whispered. My mom put her hand there. She has a gift of medical. "Dear, you're pregnant! Congratualtions" my mother said. "Another one?" My dad said making me laugh. "YAY! ANOTHER ONE!" Ash yelled. "mommy okay?" Ev asked.

"Princess you're going to be a big sister like Ash, you're gonna have a new baby brother or sister!" I said. "NO!" she yelled and ran upstairs to her room slamming her door.

She opened it and then started throwing toys down the stairs. I gently moved Ash towards me because the dolls were getting close to hitting him. I looked and realised those are all her baby dolls.

"What's wrong sweetie?" My mother asked. "I'll talk to her" Ash said. That made me smile at how nice he is to his sister. He's a great big brother.

I'm sorry(A Matteo Riddle fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now