Chapter 3

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Shailene's POV

"What is your problem?! Thats our daughter and you treat her stranger?!" I whisper yell at Theo. I can't believe he just left her. He looked down and then looked back up with tears.

"I'm sorry. I'm just not ready yet to meet her. Shai, this is our daughter who we haven't seen in what, 13 years?" He said.

"Who I haven't seen. You were never there."

"But I do now." He whispered pressing his forehead to mine. We heard security running down the hall finally finding us. The movie started in 3 minutes.

  After the movie Theo and I and stupid security walked to the cars to drive back to the hotel. We were about to get in when I saw the woman who was with my, our, daughter. She was literally sprinting. Shit.

"WAIT! WAIT! I know this is all crazy and shocking, but here have my number. She wants to know more about you two." She said breathless. I smiled and took her card and put it in my purse. I got into the car and we sped off.

  When we got to the hotel, Theo came into my room instead of his which to me was a suprise. I walked in and went into the bathroom to wipe off my makeup. While I was, he was looking at me with a small smile.

"I like you better without makeup. More you." He said looking at me with thoughtful eyes. I looked back at him and smiled. No boy has ever said that to me. With Theo his words were like honey; soothing and soft.

  I stepped out of the bathroom and laid down on the bed super tired. I then realized I was still wearing my blue, or really black, carpet dress.

"Hey I got to get dressed in my you mind if you step out of a bit?" I asked him.

"Shai, I've seen you naked before. What makes you think I don't want to see your beautiful body?" This boy and his compliments, "But I respect your privacy. Call me when you're ready!" He said walking out.

  I thanked him and once he was out I started to get changed. The only thing I packed for the night were a black tshirt and some boxers.

"Theo! I'm done!" I called letting him in. He walked in with only his pj pants.

"Do you mind if I spend the night with you? I get nightmares.." he asked with his begging eyes. Who could say no to this adorable Theodore?

"Sure. Why not!" I said giggling. He sighed with relief and collapse on the bed I was about to sleep. He got under the covers and snuggled up with the pillows. I couldn't hep but stare. He was so beautiful with his curls and his dimples. His smile could light up any room he walked into. I slowly climbed into the bed with him and started to fall asleep.

I realized then, I have fallen for Theo James.

So sorry this chapter is short! I promise next chapter will be longer and will be Spencer's POV so wait till like monday!!

Sooo I just watched Insuergent...BEST.MOVIE.EVER!! Omg Peter in this movie. Damn! Lol I promise next chapter will be more interesting :)

Love yall!!

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