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Tara told me that it'd take a couple of weeks to allow my body to heal or more so my brow and lip while my ribs would take more time.

I really didn't like that I couldn't kiss my man or that he could kiss me and please me like I couldn't him.

I've tried countless times to get him to do something to me sexually and he tells me no that he wouldn't do it cause I'm not fully healed.

so what I did was gone and bought me some toys online with fast shipping.

 When they arrived a few days ago I was beyond exited and ready to try them out. I of coursed cleaned them up real good and all before using them.

now here I am  beyond horny and being denied pleasure like I had done something wrong so I'll use my toys.

But apparently, I cant even pleasure myself at the moment since my brother showed up so I was quick to hide the toys before I let him in.

"Hey Kippy" I greeted

"Hi Luc goose" he replied 

I smiled before moving back so he could come in.

"so what's up in the prospect world?" I asked

"can't tell you very much" he says

"you can tell me if I have to beat anymore asses like I did that fucker, Toby." I tell him

"they are doing as they had with other prospects before me" he clarifies

"Alright. but you better tell me if one of them over does their power" I tell him

"Not happening, I'm a grown man who can handle himself sis," he says

"I don't care if you're an old man. your my brother and I'll beat someone's ass over you" I state

He sighs

"Alright," he says knowing him fighting me on this won't get him to nowhere. like me having him tell me of one of the guys lets their authority over him being a prospect to their head and become a grade A asshole.

I took my brother out for some lunch and we spent some time catching up before someone from the club called him. so I headed back home as he went to where they wanted him.

I toed off my boots and headed upstairs stripping my clothes off before I laid in my bed grabbing the toys I hid under my pillow.

I pulled out the clit licker and vibrator that I was gonna use leaving the butt plug in the case for a bit.

I had cleaned both toys before I even attempted to use them.

Boy, let me tell you the minute I had both toys where they belonged on my pearl and in my flower I was a moaning mess. which is just how Chibs found me with my legs up to my breast the clit licker going and the vibrator nestled inside me.

"Whit urr ye up tae loue? " he asked 

"my fifth orgasm" I replied

"Nae whit ah mean darlin'" he says

"pleasure" I answered as I reached my fifth high.

"How come urr ye usin' toys ?"

" you wanted me to heal and kept telling me no so this way I get my release and you get what you want which is for me to heal."

" Ah wasn't denying ye tae be an asshole Ah did it sae ah cuid take ye hard."

"I understand."

"They hings better than me? "

"no Chibs they arent. but they will do till  I heal or till you decided to pleasure my pearl and flower like you did the day we first met."

he walked over and sat on the bed watching me pleasure myself.

"Kin ah tak' over controllin' them?"

I smiled and nodded my head moving my hands from the clit licker and vibrator.

When took control he damn well took control. 

I nearly lost all forms of my control when he started pleasuring my body with those toys doing things to my body I wasn't aware was possible. 

I was cumming and squirting half the time one occurred more than the other and the time it was both at once.

After he finished and I was a heap of limbs with my legs dropped down he removes the toys turns them off and smirks before leaning down and kissing my pink pearly flower making me moan and jerk from sensitivity.

"Ye dane guid baby," he says

"thank you Athair" I replied making him smile before he took the toys and cleaned them before I put them in the case stopping short when he saw the butt plug.

"Urr ye hinting towards something loue?"

"I eventually wanna use that so we can do what that helps with," I tell him 

"We can" he says as he puts the case away then strips down and joins me in bed curling up with me and kissing me softly starting at my breast before trailing his lips up to mine.

"A loue ye 'n' a dinnae care how lang we've known each other" he says as he creasses my face.

"your just saying that cause I let you fck me on the first day of meeting me" I tease

"Nae true loue. Ah really dae loue ye. Ah asked ye tae be mah ol lassie 'n' yer sae next is ma crow."

"where would you be pleased to see it placed athair. above my pussy or above my ass so when your pleasing me either by eating me you see it or when you take me from behind you see it. or maybe my tits so when your suckling them its there for you to see?"

"That is a tough desision loue"

"it is but I wanna do it over my pussy so when your face is down there and you are eating my flower and drinking my sweet nectur you can see it. and when I wear tank tops and crop tops crow eaters and other bitches who think they have a chance will see just who's crow I am representing. who pleasurins my pearly flower, who fills me to the brim. who fucks me stupid and til lI'm a [pile of go limbs. who I belong to" I replied

"Ye sure?"

I nodded my head.

"I won't let any other person see my pussy so when it gets done she'll be covered with shorts." 

"A'richt loue. ah will see if happy wull dae it sometime this week or neist" 

I smiled before pulling him down and kissing him.

"then you can get a little devil with Luc next to it. above your beathach and everyone will know who he as well as you belong to"

"Efter ye git yers" he promises

"cant wait to see it every time I ride you, blow you or your shirt and cut rises or you decide to tease and show off your chest" I tell him

He hummed before leaning down and kissing me.

His little Devil ( not edited & its completed)Where stories live. Discover now