Part 7

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Smut and vulgar language is all the way through this story.

If you are under 18 or don't like smut or vulgar language

this story isn't for you sorry.

So please leave and wait for updates on my other stories that 

has the smut at the end.

The following content include Violence.

For those that are still here😏

Let's just get in to the story!!!

It's the first day back to school after their summer break.

Kei was awake before their alarm went off he got his glasses then

checked the time.

Kei sighed when he realized he was awake more than 30 minutes

before he had to.

Kei slowly slid out from under Shoyo arm then when and took his

shower and did the rest of his morning routine.

When finished he got his clothes on and took his phone off the charger.

While heading downstairs he checks phone for any missed messages

their was on text saying his parents would be home this afternoon and

they was getting on the plane so don't worry about texting back.

His Mother also say for him and Shoyo to come to the house after 

practice for dinner.

He had already talked to her about living with Shoyo since he would

be living alone now.

Kei is pretty sure that is at least part of the reason for the dinner.

Kei sighs as he lays his phone on the counter before putting on a

apron to start breakfast.

Kei was almost done making breakfast when Shoyo came downstairs.

Shoyo hugged him from behind kissing his nape then says

"So this where my beautiful future house husband went."

Kei pouts then says

"I don't remember saying I was going to be a house husband."

Shoyo chuckles then says

"Okay then here is where my beautiful future husband went."

Kei grumbles

"Who said I was going to marry you?"

Shoyo pouts then says

"Awe Babe don't be that way you know I love you and you love 

me so getting married makes since.

Don't it?"

Kei giggled then says

"Yeah I guess it does, but not until we have good jobs.

Oh and Mom and Dad will be back this afternoon they

It Started One Summer a HinaTsuki StoryWhere stories live. Discover now