Phone Calls

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Oikawa will never forget that night. He wish he could go back to the way everything was. With his Iwa-Chan, and their small rented apartment.

It was really just a normal night for Oikawa, as he sat on the sofa. A bowl of popcorn resting in his lap, as Disney movies played continuously.

His best friend, Iwaizumi and him shared the apartment, splitting the monthly rent. Sadly though he wasn't there to accompany him like the usual Thursday nights.

His work had called him in for some important business that the boss needed to take immediate attention to.

Oikawa was to say the least, concerned. His friend hadn't texted him in more than two hours.

It was night and even from inside he could hear the the thunder rumble, and the rain hitting the windows.

'He's safe though', Oikawa convinces himself.

'He's probably just being kept by his boss or is stuck in traffic coming back. He'll be back before you know it Tooru.' He tells himself.

He sits watching the movie, but he looks at his phone more than he pays attention to the animated screen.

Suddenly a ringtone comes from his phone.

...But it's not the one he's been waiting for... It's the hospital.

'Everything is fine he is perfectly okay. I probably just have some bills from doctor visits about my knee. Yep that's all it is.'

He answers the call and lifts the phone to his ear.

"H-hello." Oikawa's voice betrays him by cracking.

"Is this Oikawa, Tooru?" The receptionist asks.

"Yes it is."

"I'm sorry to inform you but your friend Iwaizumi, Hajime has been involved in an accident."

It takes a moment for Oikawa to comprehend the words he just heard. Before it hits him like a bullet train.

He's not ready for this. He's not ready to let his best friend go. He couldn't it was too soon.

"I- I'll be there soon." He hangs the call up only to dial a familiar number.

Even though Oikawa is still wearing his favorite alien t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, he slips on a pair of shoes and a raincoat. He grabs the only pair of keys left on the hook as he makes his way out the door.

The ringing on the other side of the phone is making him impatient.

"C'mon Makki pick up. Pick up Makki." He mutters racing to the car.

"Hello, you have reached the voicemail of Makki please leave a message after the beep." A screech can be heard from the background.

If this wasn't a serious situation he might've laughed and left some stupid message.

He hung up and tried contacting Mattsun.

Those stupid lovebirds better stop whatever shenanigans they're up to and answer their dang phones.

Finally a muffling sound is heard along with laughter.

"Hey Oikawa what's up? Is Iwaizumi not giving you enough attention?" Mattsun chuckled.

"I'm coming to your house to pick you both up."

"What why?" Mattsun asks. "You know if you want to go to a bar or some crap we could meet you-"

"Matsukawa, shut up." Oikawa whispers in a dangerous tone. "Or I swear I will have Kyoutani beat you up."

Dead silence.

"Just get ready I'll be there in less than 5." He hangs up and puts his phone away.

'You shouldn't be calling while driving Trashykawa, you're most likely to get caught up in a conversation and end up in the wrong lane.' He can hear the voice of his best friend say.


~590 words

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